1918 Silver German 1/2 mark

this coin has a error on it which i found interesting it's called a die clash not a strike though like i thought it was at first
close up of the area where the die clash is at
coin in hand
Aug 11th
this coin has a error on it which i found interesting it's called a die clash not a strike though like i thought it was at first
close up of the area where the die clash is at
coin in hand
Aug 11th
Looks more like a die clash
could be i have no clue on these types of errors
Aug 11th
Look at the feathers of the eagle on the opposite side of the anomoly. See how they match.
Here is a good explanation
much thanks for the link now i see that it's not what i thought it was at first
Aug 11th
I own a couple of 1918 1/2 marks that both have cuds - quality control in the German mints really started to slip big time in 1918 due to having to strike a lot of coinage because of the war. I just got them out to look at - interesting story on them - in the last 100 years they have only had three owners - the German immigrants that immigrated to the USA in the 1920s, they gave them to my father in law in the 1960's and he gave them to me about 20 years ago.
I have some with die clashes too. I see them on a number of denominations, even many years before. I may be able to post a few when I get to my computer.
This is a new to me one:

IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
Aug 11th