FS/T 1915 Cracker Jack Ty Cobb PSA Authentic - Blazer!
I don't get notifications from my email here so please email me directly tanmanbaseballfan@gmail.com
$6,000 Plus fees/shipping.
Will also trade up or down for an auth/1/2 33 Goudey Ruth 144, 34 Goudey Gehrig yellow bg, 38 Goudey Dimaggio w/comic bg, 48 Leaf Jackie Robinson, 52 Topps Mantle...
Due to the grading scandal madness, this could have been a $50,000 high grade example in its previous life. 😂
I normally don't let many altered cards in my collection, but this is one was an exception, and the ONLY reason I am selling is because I upgraded. This card is ALL about eye appeal. If you don't mind looking at wrinkles, then this card is not for you, but if that is a big deal, and you don't have 5 figures to spend on a '15 CJ Cobb, this is the right one! If you put it on display, you will find yourself staring at it for an embarrassingly long amount of time.
How was the card altered ?
It measures a bit small - not bad but still doesn't meet the min. requirements for a numerical grade.
Wow that sure is nice !
It appears someone flipped the back upside down .
Haha true! Fun fact for those who are reading and don't know ... the 1915 Cracker Jack backs were flipped upside down because they were meant to be in an album so kids could flip them upwards and read