Uploading Images & Albums Questions

Couple questions you can help me with please.
What is the standard naming format of pictures being uploaded? EG: coin-date-grade-pgsc.jpg/png
I can't seem to figure out how to get the obverse/reverse images on selecting the rounds for the albums. All I see is a "No Images"
1) You can use any name you want, I format all mine like this "1881-s-obv" just substitute the date, mm, and obv/rev for each coin/side.
2) You need to upload the obv and rev images for each coin, once you have those uploaded then you can create a digital album.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Should the obv/rev be circles? Like edit in photoshop? or just a square that will allow me to align?
It can be a square, the circle template of the album will self crop once you click on "pick obverse/reverse" in the album circles. So what you will see is just the coin not the background, however you do need to use photoshop to crop your photos so that the crop is right at the coins edge like this example. Also I size all my photos at 700 X 700, I believe that the upload process automatically adjusts the size but I've never had any issue at the 700 X 700 size. Once the picture is loaded into the album you can massage it by moving it around slightly and increasing or decreasing the size slightly.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Thanks a ton, trying it now.