Tracking Physical PM prices

So, a google search of "chart physical silver prices" will only turn up charts of spot prices.
Since the "Great Disconnect" (yes we have witnessed a major milestone) has become real we are in dire need of a way, other than ebay completed sales, to accurately follow the trend with physical prices. We are in uncharted waters.
Any chartists among us who care to give it a go?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I saw an ad on CNBC for a company that does this, I don't have any more info. I'm sure it's not free. One of their sample charts shows trading in the area of 2.6-3 million ounces per week.
IMHO, my crystal ball, although I did not see this sudden drop over the last three weeks, says a major surge up in some metals over the next 90 days. Would not be surprised to see 2k gold and $30-40 silver. Why? Wealth. The economy has dropped trillions, gone, up in smoke. Inflation. Unemployment. This is a generational event, in case you have not figured that out yet.
The Fed is pumping $trillions into "the market", whatever that is. The whole thing is a scandal beyond belief.
I knew it would happen.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Several threads here discussing this. It is NOT new, happened before. Most recently 2008/9 thru recovery in 2011. This is not uncharted waters.
Back when silver was $3 an ounce based on the London Fix, buyers paid about $6, a 100% premium. Before the 2011 spike, dealers paid spot and sold silver for a 30 cent premium. Since the spike and the Fix was removed, prices are fluctuating erratically. Dealers adjusted premiums, as they should, to allow them to operate. Silver fell $6 in a few days, that puts the premium in the same range legitimately. Now is not the time to buy or sell if one is sensitive to spot and is not educated otherwise.