WTD: Silver Maples / Eagles / 90% Silver Coins

I am looking to buy a few thousand dollars worth of silver coins. Ideally 90%-95% of spot price which is at, or more, than what most coin shops seem to pay. Paypal, cash or check. I am in NC. Please send me a PM if you might have some for sale. Tks
PS - I collect old silver spoons and am looking for those also... references available.
right now physical silver is trading well over spot...not less than...sorry...
are you buying it for over spot?
Definitely. Literally everyone is. The biggest of wholesalers are paying +3.00 on ASE right now and selling for $23/each.
Spot is meaningless now.
I'm buying at what I listed - if anyone has anything they would be interested in selling. Market is going to fluctuate and if others will give you more - by all means sell to them. I will take this ad down when I find what I'm looking for. Tks.
You can only buy paper at spot, less is nonexistent, physical trades at a premium over by a significant amount, both buying and selling. Apparently you weren't around in '08, 50% over premiums not uncommon. You aren't offering fair prices, interesting how all these new buyers come out around these times.
I wasn't around in 08. I'm paying at what I posted and will let others buy at higher prices if they want in this panic. The spot price will fluctuate and may go down more. Thanks for your consideration and hopefully the bottom won't drop out of the market.