I guess I wont be around very much from now on

Because of the VIRUS
I have had the heck with this and I will not be getting online much more because of this junk.
I cannot reformat my computer, because I dont have the .DLL file to back files up.
I cannot find the name of the virus so I can get rid of it.
I'm thinking about just throwing the cpu out for good.
Can any1 think of anything I can do?
My McAfee virus scan is out of date, which it cost $50 to update... ouch
I dont want to spend any money for it either because of a stupid virus.
---------Virus is---------
the email "For CU" or the email "cards for tradelist"
I have had the heck with this and I will not be getting online much more because of this junk.
I cannot reformat my computer, because I dont have the .DLL file to back files up.
I cannot find the name of the virus so I can get rid of it.
I'm thinking about just throwing the cpu out for good.
Can any1 think of anything I can do?
My McAfee virus scan is out of date, which it cost $50 to update... ouch
I dont want to spend any money for it either because of a stupid virus.
---------Virus is---------
the email "For CU" or the email "cards for tradelist"
Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz
^^Bad Trader??^^
Neils Card World
I mean I stay connected but nothing will load, it'll day "this page cannot be displayed" or something like that
"no page can be displayed" etc
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I am a computer consultant so maybe I can help you out.....are you sure it is a virus? What problems are you having with your computer? Have you tried copying off all of your files and reformatting your hard drive? You could then boot back up with your emergency backup disk or reinstall the operating system. Those are usually the first steps. Feel free to PM me and I will try to help you out.
kls- I sent u a pm
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Sonics fan I posted a reply in your old post about this issue... guess you didn't read it. I'll copy and paste it in a min or two.
I work Tech Support for Microsoft. Try these steps:
1. Check your system resources. Right click My Computer/ Properties/ Performance or Advanced (it's been a few years since I've used Win98). Check to see what % of free resources your system has. It should be above 70%.
2. Right click My Computer. On the opening screen, how much RAM do you have??
3. Who's your ISP?? AOL? Compuserve? Local dial-up company?
4. Take notice of the connection speed you get when you connect to your ISP. Did it drop?? What number is at??
5. Go to Housecall Free Online Virus Scan. This scan is up to date and should detect any virus an old virus scanner didn't.
6. What kind of computer do you have??
Final Steps.
7. Backup all your data (documents, movies, pictures, music, etc.) to an external drive, second hard drive, or removable media.
8. If you have an OEM ( Original Equipment Manufacturer ) such as ( Compaq, Dell, HP, Sony, etc...) run your provided Windows 98 Recovery Disk. Make sure to select format and recover when it prompts you. This will completely wipe out the hard drive and reinstall a fresh, new copy of Windows 98. If you still have the issue after doing that then it's your ISP or your phone lines.
Reply and I'll respond.
My fault, you did reply.
When you say it won't back up files because you don't have the .DLL what do you mean?
Did you run the free virus scan from the link in my post??
What are you trying to back up to? A CD-RW Disk?
I am trying to help him out, also. RAM and hard drive space seem fine. I basically told him to run through the same steps. Seems to me like it has to be a problem with either:
1. Dialup connection (phone line) or his ISP
2. Operating System - sometimes helps to just reinstall the operating system
If this fails, I think he should just back up his files, reformat his hard drive, and reinstall everything.
Yea he said he couldn't back up his files though. Is he backing up to a burner? Is the burner the device giving the message of missing DLL files? If so he should try to reinstall the drivers from the disk or the website of the company that made the device. Best bet to reinstall the device is to delete it from device manager and reboot the system. I'm sure you know all this. Let me know if you figure it out.