Am I supposed to want to pay more for "Reed Buys"?

I find this odd that Dave and Adams uses title space to include "Reed Buys"-- as if that should be tip me over to purchasing. Or that Reed has some unique reputation that should convince me that these particular cards stand above others. Does anyone else feel this way, are there any other examples of sellers using such a technique? Here is their explanation for a "Reed Buy":
What is a "Reed Buy"?
Reed Kasaoka is the head buyer of the Sports Division at Dave & Adam's. His primary
responsibility is traveling all over the country, buying private collections out of people's closets, bedrooms, attics, basements, garages, and storage units, as well as complete inventories of show dealers, shop owners, autograph dealers, and distributors. Reed comes up with some amazing finds - rarely seen unopened boxes, quality graded cards, certified autographed memorabilia, and much more.
We have tagged all of his acquisitions as a "Reed Buy" so you'll know where to look first for all of his deals. Almost every item is "one-of-a-kind" - so when you see something interesting, don't hesitate, because there are likely many other collectors who are thinking the exact same thing!
Note: I have no beef with Reed just find these lists odd
For unopened I think they are saying that Reed has examined it and deems it to be legit. He worked for BBCE for a long time so I think it may give legitimacy to authenticity. For everything else it makes no sense to me.
I'd say yes it should come as a slight premium... Reed is probably the most experienced and reputable BUYER of unopened product in the country.
Nobody is forcing you to buy it. If you think it's too much, don't buy it.
I think Reed probably just has a deal set up where he gets X% of the stuff that he brought to the table so it's all marked and separated so he gets his cut.
I think they could put rK or whatever somewhere in the title. The fact that they have a long explanation in the summary section of the code is evidence they are NOT doing this for inventory purposes. I don't think random psa graded cards bought by REED should be something I pay a premium for, or anyone else. MAYBE unopened materials or a LARGE collection sale MAYBE Reed's name/bio could be used to sell these but to simply tag a bunch of graded cards with "Reed Buy" is a ROOKIE move to me!
It might come with a bonus sheet of snide remarks with each purchase
.... he said snidely.
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps
There appears to be about 1500 "Reed buy" auctions up on ebay, but if you search completed auctions, only three come up.
Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
The card in the link above is available direct on their site at about 10% less than the price listed on eBay. The Reed buy stuff has a subtle nearly imperceptible subliminal hidden message buried in the context that Reed buys cards if you have them for sale.
_I find this odd that Dave and Adams uses title space to include "Reed Buys"-- as if that should be tip me over to purchasing. Or that Reed has some unique reputation that should convince me that these particular cards stand above others. Does anyone else feel this way, are there any other examples of sellers using such a technique?
Note: I have no beef with Reed just find these lists odd _
DACW owner Adam Martin wanted to brand my involvement in the company, because he feels people consider me a personality in the business, and want to follow my travels, see what kind of stuff I buy, and most importantly are interested in what sort of cool stuff I put out for sale. I personally don't think tagging my items serve as the tipping point as to whether or not someone wants to buy something, but I'd like to think I do have a unique reputation in this hobby, and people have shown genuine interest for almost 16 years as to what I have done for DACW, then BBCE, then back to DACW.
For unopened I think they are saying that Reed has examined it and deems it to be legit. He worked for BBCE for a long time so I think it may give legitimacy to authenticity. For everything else it makes no sense to me.
Yes, I've been around and I'd like to think the overwhelming majority of collectors respect my opinions. I'll never be able to satisfy everyone, and I'm OK with that. As for the "Reed Buys" not making sense, trust me, there was a considerable amount of internal dialogue as to why we should do this and how it should be done, and not everyone agreed on how to do this. Adam is the boss, so his opinion won out.
_I'd say yes it should come as a slight premium... Reed is probably the most experienced and reputable BUYER of unopened product in the country.
Nobody is forcing you to buy it. If you think it's too much, don't buy it._
Just in case anyone thought I was just coming on here to brag. I think my experiences in the hobby as well as my interactions with dealers and collectors alike speak for themselves.
I think Reed probably just has a deal set up where he gets X% of the stuff that he brought to the table so it's all marked and separated so he gets his cut.
Yes, I have my own deal set up at the company, and this is one of the ways we're able to keep track of the product I've obtained.
I think they could put rK or whatever somewhere in the title. The fact that they have a long explanation in the summary section of the code is evidence they are NOT doing this for inventory purposes. I don't think random psa graded cards bought by REED should be something I pay a premium for, or anyone else. MAYBE unopened materials or a LARGE collection sale MAYBE Reed's name/bio could be used to sell these but to simply tag a bunch of graded cards with "Reed Buy" is a ROOKIE move to me!
As previously stated, we had long discussions on how this was to be done. It may not be perfect, but this is the path we've chosen. All items I've purchased get tagged. I even have my own page on our website, though it clearly needs some work as the products aren't broken out into categories yet. If you feel you're having to pay a premium, we sell a few hundred items a week that are tagged to my buys, so clearly, I think the items are priced quite fairly. Nothing's going to stop people from telling us how we should do our business better, and I get it; I find myself saying the same things to myself whenever I walk into a store (any store), eat at a restaurant, etc. I've been a businessman my entire adult life and as far back as middle school, and all types of businesses fascinate me.
It might come with a bonus sheet of snide remarks with each purchase
Like I said, I'd like to think the overwhelming majority of collectors respect my opinions. Clearly, I have offended this poster in the past, and it's well documented that I don't sugar coat things and tell it like it is. It's not the best way to approach customer service or interact with others on a message board, but I think it's better than lying or exaggerating the truth. We all know this hobby is littered with dealers like that, and there are many who find my takes on things refreshing. Again, can't please everyone.
_@mtcards said:
It might come with a bonus sheet of snide remarks with each purchase
.... he said snidely._
Dan has been a customer of mine for a few years, and has thanked me for what I bring to the hobby and how I've helped build his collection. I'll apologize to Dan that I probably wouldn't recognize him at a show (I'm really bad with faces) but I definitely remember our interactions and his passion for collecting Venezuela cards. Collectors like Dan make this hobby fun for me while I make my living doing cards.
There appears to be about 1500 "Reed buy" auctions up on ebay, but if you search completed auctions, only three come up.
That's weird, because I sell several cards a day on eBay. Sometimes the search functions don't work well on eBay.
Here's a tip: if you want to save a little money, don't buy my listings on eBay - go directly to the Dave & Adam's website.
Everything we have gets marked up on eBay to help pay for the fees. We have free shipping at a certain dollar amount (it's so bad that I don't even know what that amount is) and you don't really have to worry about buyer protection IMO; we are a 90 person company with over $50M in annual revenue. And as always, if you have any problems or questions, especially about my stuff or involvement at DACW, email me at or call/text my cell (808) 372-1974. I am always, always available. I'm on vacation in Arizona right now making everyone late for our Top Golf appointment.
My invite must have gotten lost in the mail
Have fun!
Well, I appreciate Reed's response. Sounds like his internal talks with Adam may have also echoed some of my concerns about the ridiculous nature of putting "Reed's Buys" in the titles of many of their listings, but that he lost out to the big boss man Adam.
Sometimes I think these card guys get to big for their britches and start to believe in their own hype.
If you wanted arrogance in the hobby. You missed it with Mr. Mint (Al Rosen) advertisements.
Dave had no say?
Yep, part of the reason why I got fired from DACW the first time around is that I always wanted to challenge the final say when I didn't agree with it. These days it's simply not worth the aggravation; I just take care of what I need to do for myself, and everything will turn out OK.
There are probably a few (or more) who think I'm one of those guys who believes in his own hype, and I get it, but I'm hustling even harder to find deals for the company and myself these days. Resting on my laurels and accomplishments isn't going to earn me much business, so I'd like to think I keep getting better and work even harder until I'm ready to retire.
I guess you haven't heard, as it wasn't well publicized, but Dave sold his half of the company to Adam a little over a year ago and has retired. Adam is the sole owner of the company. The name will stay the same because it would cost a fortune to change all the signs and letterheads. LOL
Not sure I believe a PSA7 Clemente is one of a kind either. I know it says "almost every item" and this is probably one of those many that is NOT. unique Marketing hype.
Love the people who use title space and use terms like "rare" too. My daily ebay "rare" search really pays off for me!
We have tagged all of his acquisitions as a "Reed Buy" so you'll know where to look first for all of his deals. Almost every item is "one-of-a-kind" - so when you see something interesting, don't hesitate, because there are likely many other collectors who are thinking the exact same thing!
They are one of a kind in the sense that many of these items we only have one in stock. You'd be surprised at the amount of collectors who look at it the other way and see when we have an item for sale, that there are multiples to choose from. That's why many companies put the graded serial number as part of the title or description, so you know the one you see pictured is the exact one that you're getting.
Trust me, I'm not about trying to hype anything. I find stuff to sell, picture it, price it, and there's usually barely any sort of description, almost to the point where it looks terrible and lazy. I'll let the image speak for itself, rather than go on and on about how great a player Clemente was, how he tragically died, and how this is a great long term investment. You'll get none of that from me, because it's simply a waste of time.
I have purchased vintage for a while from D&A and have always thought they were fair and open to price proposals on items I wanted to purchase.
I appreciate Reed's transparency in this thread and expected nothing different from his response.
Thanks for being an asset to the hobby and continued luck in your endevours.
Ebay Store
Paging @doubledragon. We need some humor in this thread.
I know it’s really not on topic, but I dealt with Reed a couple years back while he was still with BBCE. He was very fair with what he paid, and I’d recommend him to anyone looking to sell, whether it be unopened, graded, or raw. I also enjoyed hearing some of his stories and appreciated his advice.
eBay Store
Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
Everytime doubledragon enters this thread, he knows he is being watched by...
Reed has taken over this thread. He's always watching, and it scares me. This is Reed's turf, and he's been kicking a.. and taking names throughout this thread. I'm sure Reed will have to break a few more heads before it's all said and done.
Reed has been warning about the impending flood of 1987 Topps material. Not that it's in short supply now lol. But he is building an arc for when the dam breaks is what I hear
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
I miss Reed. I enjoyed this thread yesterday. He should swing by the forum more often.