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Now y'all know I don't like Shaq, and it's no secret that I adore Tim Duncan, so I decided it was time to get rid of all my Shaq inserts and maybe someone here would like to win them! They total $158.50, so not too shabby for some lucky (?, lol ) person! Here are the questions to be answered. Two of them can be answered pretty easily, and the last is your best guess. Good luck and the closest person correct will win!!! Contest will end Friday night at 10 Central time. Please no editing, and just one guess per person. Thanks, and hope you have fun with it! image

1. Tim won the MVP trophy this year, for whom is the trophy named after? ( spelling doesn't count against you, but I have to be able to understand it, lol )
2. Tim led the league in double-doubles, how many has he had the last 3 seasons total? ( '99-00, '00-01, and this year '02 )
3. How many autographed cards of Tim do I have in my personal collection?
I still collect Tim Duncan! Love all high end auto's, and game used basketball of Tony Parker, and Ginobili too! image This means more to me than any card...You can catch me on my site: Highlight Reel Trading


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