I am looking to sell one of my gold cac $20 coins to make room for another.
See pics below on the coin for sale.
$1,850 - PM me for discussion...
PM me if interested or questions.
I am looking to sell one of my gold cac $20 coins to make room for another.
See pics below on the coin for sale.
$1,850 - PM me for discussion...
PM me if interested or questions.
I have done countless transactions with Leeroy and he is solid as an oak....
Adjusted price...
Nice coin! I bought a nice 64 in a ogh couple months back for $1700 and I thought I paid a little to much for it!
Please notify me if you have any gold cac sticker $20 double eagles for sale at $1700 each. I will buy them all...
Just asking? So why is your 63 with a gold sticker worth $150_250 more than a 64 with a green sticker?
It's in poor form to openly question a seller with regard to his/her pricing on the BS&T forum. That's what the PM feature is for.
I can understand your inquiry...
Some people prefer and pay up for certain coins... some people do not... in our market today, agree or disagree, but certain holders and certain stickers (cac) carry a premium to some...
There is another identical coin to mine by a reputable dealer for sell currently for $2,075... same characteristics... 1908 $20, no motto, ogh, ms63, gold cac sticker...
As someone who has bought and sold coins with these characteristics... trust me, both prices are in the ballpark for market pricing.
...that might not be your cup of tea, and thats ok. To each his own.
I respect your preferences.
Me... I like gold cac $20 gold pieces... just my personal preference. 🤷🏻♂️
If you like the coin, but think its too high in price, just comment or like the page. No big deal.
On a serious note though, please PM me if you have ANY gold cac $20 double eagles for sale for $1700. I will buy them. 👍
Fairly new here@ I'll take that into account! Don't mean to tick anyone off just asking a question!
No worries! You’re good. : )
As you can see, I have a couple stickered coins with similiar characteristics...
Leeroy- Is that 73cc for sale
I also love gold on gold. I've been tempted..
Very nice !!!