Authentic Stan Musial Auto? Why on a 1960 world series program?

Authentic Stan Musial Auto? Why on a 1960 world series program? Any significance
Authentic Stan Musial Auto? Why on a 1960 world series program? Any significance
Musial was from western Pennsylvania. Maybe he was just taking in the World Series as a baseball fan, being that it was nearby?
Musial was a very nice guy who was approachable, lived a long time, and signed a lot of autographs.
Funny, I recently saw a Clemente auto on a Cardinals program. Thought the same thing, just the opposite teams.
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It looks like it was a little rushed of a signature, and the "a" was often less prevalent in his first name during the 1950s-1960s from what I have seen. I think it is authentic
It's real. Not sure about it being on that program though.
According to newspaper articles, he missed the first two games but was there for Game 7....
Oct 6, 1960
Oct14, 1960
Photos That Were Used On Baseball Cards