Roosie Dime FB Registry Set Coins For Sale From Daniel D. Biddle's #2-3-4-5-6 FB Basic Sets 1946-64

I currently have 6 complete Roosie Dime sets listed in the PCGS Registry in the 1946-1964 FB Basic Set category.
With only a few exceptions, all coins listed in my #2-#3-#4-#5-#6 sets are available for sale.
Please PM me if you are interested in any of these coins and I will send you a picture and price.
I've bought several Roosies from Danny and I'll say this. VERY NICE COINS and Danny is a pleasure to deal with.
Can’t figure out how to PM on this site. Interested in 2 from set 2. Can you contact me?
You can email me at :
I have added a few more complete sets to the Registry.
With only a very few exceptions, all coins listed in my FB Basic Sets #2-#10 (1946-64) and Non FB Basic
Sets #2-#10 (1946-64) are for sale.
It would be too time consuming to list each coin individually.
I will be happy to send pics and prices to anyone who has an interest in any of these coins.
Could you kindly provide a link or two for those of us who don't normally explore this terrain? I see one FB Basic Set with your name on it which is #4.
Kind regards,
Here's a link to the Complete Non Full Band Basic Set. Just look for the sets called Daniel D Biddle #?. Also, click on the bottom View Entire Current List to see his remaining sets.
Thanks Jim for the link...........I have been out of town the past few days and have not had an opportunity to
check-in on the message boards for any updates... I am not very computer smart, and I have no idea how to post a "link".