Ancient Confusion ID

Newish to Ancients and I am currently attempting to attribute and identify this piece. Appears to be like most Billon Tetradrachms of Alexandria I have handled. One lead pointed me in the direction of Ptolemaic Kings of Egpyt but my search in that direction hasn't shed any light for me.
It is indeed Roman Egypt, a 3rd century AD billon tetradrachm. Unfortunately, the obverse legend is completely gone, so you'll need to try to match portraits. A lot of the 3rd century emperors issued coins like this, with an eagle on the reverse. The only other clue is the date on the reverse: "Year 2"; therefore it needs to be an emperor that reigned for at least 2 years. Which also doesn't help all that much, though it does rule out it being one of the scarcer brief-reign emperors.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.