Worth Anything Other Than a Quick Trip to the Bank?

I've posted a couple times here on the Forum regarding how I and a few fellow co-workers used to hike down at lunch to the local Federal Reserve branch to get State Quarter rolls as they were introduced way back about 21 (has it been THAT long?! ) years ago, and saved them for ourselves and/or kids/grandkids.
Over the years, I ended up trading, selling, or cashing-in my set of rolls, and was done with anything other than individuals which fit in each of our Whitman folders. I asked about any interest in some of the more valuable rolls at one point, and sold a few. But most went back to the bank when there was no interest & most people said the bottom had fallen out on the demand side.
Well, one of my fellow co-workers just got in touch with me, and had been doing the same. Except he hasn't yet gotten rid of his last 10 rolls. He asked me to see if anyone on the Forum has any interest in making an offer on any/all of them, realizing how much an added hit postage would cost any buyers.
Any interest, or should I just have him take them to the bank like I did?
He has the following rolls (State, Mintmark, Heads/Tails, # of rolls, etc).
-- Dave
DATE STATE MM H/T T/T Wrapper (White/Brown paper)
1999 - GA P 1 W
1999 - GA D 1 W
1999 - CT P 2 W
2002 - TN P 2 W
2003 - IL P 2 B
2005 - CA P 2 1W & 1B