PCGS 2-1/2x2-1/2 fit perfect in the PCGS box
Posts: 3,176 ✭✭✭✭✭
You may have known this or maybe not but if you purchase the 2x2 thanks for the correction they are 2.5x2.5 that PCGS sells for submission they will fit nice and neat into the plastic 20 coin box nice way to store silver.
Is that the shipping box they sell or the PCGS Box that comes with coins?
Those PCGS submission flips are 2.5 x 2.5
(just under, but they're called '2&aHalfx2&aHalfs')
Thanks for the correction Mr. Weinberg I’m so use to calling them 2x2
Yep! and they can be used to keep rattlers and small anacs holders in a slot
Collector, occasional seller
Yep, I have put a number of saflips into the PCGS boxes. Thankfully I’ve only ever had one body bag that I can recall...
TurtleCat Gold Dollars
That's a tremendous idea!! I'm always after older slabs, first, you just solved a problem I've been having! Thanks!
That's how I store my raw coins. You can fit quite a few in each box, depending on denomination. If I remember correctly, this is 74 coins, with room for a few more.
Both and the same.
Less awkwardly called "crown size flips."
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
LOL - Messeydesk - of course you're correct !
(but I have heard 'em called '2 and half by 2 and a half' at shows)
Ok, thanks I was wondering if they're the same.
Several body bags from PCGS in the '90's. When I was learning to grade.
That’s how I figured it out when I got a body bag back with the same type flips I purchased for my submissions