Not a NYINC report...but is it weird that a dealer hasn't cashed my check from NYINC yet?

I wrote four checks while I was there, three were cashed quite promptly but the fourth is still floating.
It's not a dealer I've ever purchased from before (unlike the other three who I know exactly how to contact) so is this normal or should I internet-stalk her to make sure the check is not lost? Full disclosure, I've already found her email and found her facebook page so perhaps 'should I' is more 'should I now contact her'.
Is that too weird and/or is this normal dealer behavior? I mean I would hope she would have taken it to her hotel room and deposited it on her phone app! She is from California so it's not like there was international travel involved.
It's a relatively small check and it's not like I balance my checkbook or anything but it's driving me nuts. Why can't people just cash their checks?!!
After a big show, dealers can be in a bit of disarray. And maybe the dealer is feeling ill as well. You should reach out to the dealer to ask if he/she is ok. Being nice is always nice, right?
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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I've got her email
I'll send one. No harm in asking. And it was the smallest check I wrote!
Do you have the coin in hand?
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Not everyone uses phone apps for banking. It has only been a week.
I’d say normal
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Say it isn't so!!
That said, it just was noticeable because all the other checks were deposited quite quickly. > @ajaan said:
A medal (well, a small plaque that is) and yes.
Are those goat legs?
8 Reales Madness Collection
Yep, a faun. There are a lot of boy fauns on things, not so many girls.
I also bought the male version from another dealer, but with a very different patina.
I saw them. They were quite interesting, and very different from the stuff I usually look at.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at