Know any dealers who buy raw mixed coins?

Debating whether to do the work and list on eBay or BST.
But that's WORK!
I'd rather ship the whole shebang and let someone sort and buy the lot.
Some decent, some polished, some cleaned, all raw.
Don't want to piece out.
It's a rare LOOKING thing. Not worth much.
They aren’t low-ball offers if they otherwise will not sell....
I just checked eBay for circulated 1939 Canada dollars. They have sold as low as 20 cents or so over the value of their bullion content (about $10.90). A similar (more or less) ICG graded piece can be had for $17. FWIW...
Selling a lot of this kind of stuff is work and it doesn't pay enough for a dealer to offer more than a small premium over melt for most of the silver and figure the rest by the pound.
Pull out the silver. The rest will be bought by the pound. I sold my last lot of this type at the Michigan State Show last spring. I got $15 for about 300 mixed, non-silver foreign (no Canada).
How much ya want? I’m interested. Will be fun to sort.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
Committed out. Will ship tomorrow. Good dealer. Have had prior dealings.
I'd also be interested in what you got for the lot. It was a really interesting mix!
that was a great lot , anyone would have bought it , were you expecting moon money or what?
Make inventory (appraisal form) list by country/ date / demon / ASW plus MV per Krause. Tally it up. Have a total by BV and MV. Shop it around see what they offer. For problem no BV coins put zero on appraisal / tally sheet. Generally my offer wb some pct of MV or BV.
I would assimilate into my collector coin inventory. Items under $5 MV to junk box, others to album (cowans pages) for my case at shows.
It will take work there is no easy ride on this stuff. In past I have offered 40 pct MV if that much. This can be tough stuff sell under current market conditions. People who won’t moon money I refer to friend who does 100 pct raw stuff. A lot of time his offer less than mine then some of them come running back to me ready to sell. Sometimes when he does buy it giving them his expert spiel bringing them down to Earth I will get free coffee and doughnut for the referral. He may flip some to me also as he knows I like certain countries (Vatican, Mexico, Ireland).
Most dealers dress like they had their clothes stolen at the gym so they give them what they have from the lost and found bin.