ebay $0 final fee promo snafu

Got the promo in the wife's account yesterday, "sell up to five items and pay zero FVF." The promo was clearly listed under the "Promotional Offers" header in My Ebay and was good for listings created 1/24 and 1/25. Listed a bunch of high dollar items before I went to bed.
Checked this morning to see if there were any sales. None (thankfully). I noticed a new promo offer for 50% off FVF and the earlier offer was no longer showing up under the "Promotional Offers." I listed a cheap item and purchased it with my other account to see if the $0 FVF was active. It was not.
Anyone who listed under this promo yesterday or today should check the "Promotional Offers" header in My Ebay to see if it is still active. If not be prepared to pay full FVF.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I got that 50% offer on my non store account and for me it was for Tech only.
The beat goes on.
just offering a heads up to anyone else caught up in the snafu. Could get expensive in a non-store account.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
122 weeks left
I have had this happen to me twice (i.e. eBay not honoring a promotional sales offer) in the past.