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Do any of the big auction houses still give away books for the auctions?

TurtleCatTurtleCat Posts: 4,609 ✭✭✭✭✭

As mentioned before, I took about 15 years off from the hobby. But at the time I acquired a number of books produced for the early 2000s like the Cardinal sale, Richmond sale, and a few others. They were all free to acquire before the auction. I was wondering if the big auctions nowadays still provide books or are they all online only?


  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 34,719 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @TurtleCat said:
    As mentioned before, I took about 15 years off from the hobby. But at the time I acquired a number of books produced for the early 2000s like the Cardinal sale, Richmond sale, and a few others. They were all free to acquire before the auction. I was wondering if the big auctions nowadays still provide books or are they all online only?

    Yes, they still mail them out.

  • skier07skier07 Posts: 4,018 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I don’t know what the auction house official policies are but if you do enough business with them they will send you a complimentary catalog for upcoming auctions.

  • TurtleCatTurtleCat Posts: 4,609 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Awesome! When I got the catalogs mentioned (plus a few others) you only needed to inquire and you’d get one. I was hoping that will still be the case. It’s a good source of information as well as great pictures of coins I’d likely never be able to acquire.

  • shorecollshorecoll Posts: 5,445 ✭✭✭✭✭

    They normally now require you show them some recent purchase activity, or be a member of certain clubs. There are Heritage employees on here like MFeld that can get you comp'd but they'll stop sending if you don't bid. I think Legend will send you one freebie. Goldberg sends freebies to EAC/C4 members. Call them and explain your situation and they should all give you a trial. I don't think they print as many as they used to since so many people bid online. Also they do give them away at the big shows.

  • TurtleCatTurtleCat Posts: 4,609 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the great info. I met Mark once in Charlotte but I doubt he’d remember me. I was very eager after finishing the ANA grading course and from my first time on these forums as nwcs. :smile: I’ll wait for the next big one and give it a try.

  • VeepVeep Posts: 1,429 ✭✭✭✭

    Got a big Stack’s currency catalog for last fall’s Baltimore sale

    "Let me tell ya Bud, you can buy junk anytime!"

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