1652 Pine Tree Shilling for sale or trade

This is a 1652 Pine Tree Shilling, Small Planchet. Holed and plugged. Certified as genuine by PCGS (#26788114).
I am focusing on US type coins now, and I want to exchange this shilling for a pricier type coin. Before I put this on ebay, I wanted to see if anyone is interested in buying it outright (asking $1450), or trading it for either a 1795 flowing hair half dollar, a flowing hair dollar, or a bust dollar. PM me with your thoughts.
The coin doesn't have any scratches. If you see any in the photos, they are on the PCGS plastic casing. I posted two videos on youtube (front and back of the case), showing the light scratches, Videos were taken indoors under a yellowish light. Here they are:
- Front:
- Back:
Here are some pics, below. They were taken outdoors on a cloudy winter day, and better reflect how the coin appears in hand.