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WTB: 1981 Topps Basketball

Looking for the following 1981 Topps basketball cards in PSA 10. Thanks.

56 Milwaukee Bucks Team Leaders

E101 Larry Bird SA

W97 Checklist

W105 Ben Poquette

MW106 George Gervin SA

POSITIVE TRANSACTIONS: BKritz; Akuracy503; Rogermjn; MBMiller25; Artimus; JasonM32; Burke23; Alnavman; InitialD; Gregmo32; Ping4u43; Rbdjr1; Rexvos; Drewsef; Italianstallionyankees; Zep33; Samsgirl214; Bunker; Swartz1; MeteoriteGuy; Itzagoner; VitoCo1972; Saucywombat; RaptorsRule04; Dboneesq; Hallco; ldferg; Hawaii76; Epatmythes; Vladguerrero; Calaban7; Cardcounter2; BobS; Recbball; BarkusD; ShootyBabitt: WalterSobchak; Mrmint23; Nightcrawler729


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