The End of Days (of the 2020 NYINC)

So, as I think I mentioned in my Thursday report, I did not have enough cash on me to purchase new coin trays. This was a priority, so I girded up my loins for another adventure on the LIRR (and get to the show).
Would you know it? Though it did not really create any problem for me, the station where I was going to catch my train advised that only one track was in use. Fortunately, the announcements were clear and frequent. I think I saw at least one person on the other side of the tracks dismayed that the westbound train was on the eastbound tracks. Poor lady missed the train. Weird, how people on the correct side of the tracks were calling and gesturing to people who were more engrossed in their smartphones than in the announcements.
Anyway, I got to the show without any incident. First, I made sure that the Abafil people were not going anywhere. Then I proceeded inside. As expected, the show was dying out, as several vendors were gone or packing up. I wandered around. I caught Peter Jencius, but the did not have anything that interested me. Usually, I buy something from him, every year.
Allen Berman asked me to check with him, after the first day, to see if he came across a medal of Clement VI (which has become sort of a holy grail, for me. I have a modern one, but I would like to see one of those recasts from 200 years ago, or so).
Went over to Steve Album's table to wail about how much I wanted a medal that he was auctioning off, later this week.
Schulman had nothing of interest, this time.
Finally got to say hello to Josh; you can tell that the show was dying down when you don't have to fight off a hoard of people. Greeted Andy in passing.
So, after all my browsing, I narrowed the choice between one of two medals offered by Baldwin's, or a horsey medal, that I found at Del Parker's table. But Del Parker was nowhere to be found, and Baldwin's was packing up. Additionally, I have been very happy with Baldwin's in the past, while Del Parker is an unknown to me.
I finally chose this Baroque medal by Roettiers, over a small medal from the reign of George I. The George I medal may have fitted better into my collection, but I really liked the bold Baroque styling of the other.
Oh. The coin trays. Abafil was all out, except for this one fancy set of trays. I was offered it at a good price, but I did not have the cash on me. Again. Happily, Charles Davis Bookseller, in the Lobby, had some trays for sale. Purchase made and off, finally, to Penn Station.
Coin trays... I've got a feeling about coin trays. Unfortunately, they are are not traded with the frequency of pork bellies...even Trading Places will not rectify the injustice despite what the Duke Brothers may say.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Sorry for the cheap humor... I am looking for something to help house what I have managed to find over time as well.
I will at some point add a NYINTC report...
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
I bought some Abadils trays myself .
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.