1864 2 Cent Large Motto -Repunched date?

I believe I have a Repunched date. Anyone else of the same opinion? And how would I go about having it attributed? Would the cost be prohibitive? Thanks all opinions and information welcome.
Need help, anyone?
Do you have images of the motto?
Yes, a very nice RPD.
It is listed in Flynn's book as KF-5.
He says it is scarce.
There are more diagnostics if you need them to attribute it.
Just bought a scope and was looking around some of my coins and found this one...I’ll have to work on my pics
This might be a dumb question but how would, could I contact mr. Flynn?
Maybe an RPD-001?
Good premium if it is...…….
Thank you Any information is great I’m so new to this haha
Never mind. Sounds like you're getting help above.
but your coin looks like it has seen it's better days.
Still a cool coin.
I have checked PCGS and found 1 similar but I would like to get it holdered anyway ....
He posts here....or used to, anyway. I can't remember his handle here.
I haven't seen anything from him here for a while though.
Oh ok
KF-5 mannie?
Maybe Kevin Flynn sold me a faulty volume.
I know little about two-cent pieces. I always turn to PCGS's Coinfacts in such cases.
I looked through images of 1864 RPD's and couldn't see anything that looked like yours (with the prominent doubling on the 6 and 4, not the 8). I'm not sure I was thorough.
I'd suggest you do that. Review the images ("Show related coins and varieties") and see if you can find a match. If you can, then to get it graded and attributed by PCGS will cost $60 or more, including shipping. If yours has a "problem" like cleaning or damage it may not be worth submitting.
Certification 4397661 PCGS looks just like it enlarged maybe different color and grade
I agree with Lance.
The certification number is 04397661 i think it’s being auctioned on eBay without the attribution as PCGS will not recognize it but my coin and that one are alike minus the grade and color
This particular RPD is not recognized by our hosts. NGC recognizes this at a VP- 007 Not sure what premium is associated with this as its well circulated and kinda beat up.
I personally wouldn’t send it.
I’d still like to have it authenticated and slabbed as I’m a collector and I don’t usually make money off of my coins, thank you for the information though
He posted a couple of threads here last week.
You can contact him here:
I was exchanging messages with him using this, just a few days ago.
That's a match.
Well done.
Thank you I’ll try to contact him