Home Stamps Forum

Canceled Stamps sort of for free ish

I have these two plastic cases with canceled stamps in each. I think I can ship them for $5.00 . So if you want them let me know and we can figure out the shipping and payment. I am a new guy to these boards so if I do something wrong please let me know. Dennis dsdt@netptc.net


  • Just a note here. If these are considered junk and I should throw them away it is ok if one of you experts say so. :)

  • JBKJBK Posts: 15,946 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm not an expert in all of those but the ones I can recognize have no real value.

    I am 99/9999% sure it is not worth $5 . If you kept the plastic cases and just threw the stamps into an envelope you might be able to send for 55 cents. A new collector might do OK on that deal.

  • JBKJBK Posts: 15,946 ✭✭✭✭✭

    P.S - nice of you to offer them. I hope someone takes you up on it.

  • JBK , good idea. Anyone want all of these for .70 cents delivered ? I will throw away the plastic cases. Lets say, I will hang on to all the stamps until Monday morning. If not interest I will see if my trash collector wants them. :)

  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,479 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sadly, they are not even worth .70.

    All glory is fleeting.
  • a ok, to the round file they will head.Thank you

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