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2020 Presidential Medals (S807, S808, S809, S810) (Jackson on sale Feb 24)

BackroadJunkieBackroadJunkie Posts: 3,745 ✭✭✭✭✭

The first of the four 2020 silver presidential medals has had its web page populated. The four silver prezzimedals (yeah, I gotta stop with the nicknames) to be issued this year are:

Andrew Jackson Presidential Silver Medal (S807) On sale Feb 24.
Martin Van Buren Presidential Silver Medal (S808) On sale TBD (Spring 2020)
William Henry Harrison Presidential Silver Medal (S809) On sale TBD (Summer 2020)
John Tyler Presidential Silver Medal (S810) On sale TBD (Fall 2020)

These are the official Presidential Medals currently offered in bronze in both 1 5/8" and 3" sizes. The silver medals will become part of the permanent Mint catalog, and thus are dateless and have an unlimited mintage.

Struck on ASE blanks, the price has been raised from $39.95 to $46, an increase of over 15%. (To be fair, silver has gone up 12% since last January, but $46 over the life of this series makes this issue much harder to swallow.)

The Jackson medal obverse:

The reverse for the Jackson, Van Buren and Tyler:

Only Harrison will have a unique reverse this year. (And it gets a little more complicated in 2021 which will have two non-unique reverses. The prezzimedal reverses start to become unique in 2022.)

Here's the thread for the 2019 releases:
2019 Presidential Medals (S803, S804, S805, S806)


  • BackroadJunkieBackroadJunkie Posts: 3,745 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Not sure if anyone has noticed, but the Mint catalog is offering medal/portrait combos for the previous years. Here's the Washington example:

    George Washington Presidential Silver Medal & Portrait Bundle

    The cost of these are combination of the medal ($39.95) and the small portrait ($5.00). I am unsure if the mint will eventually raise the price on the older medals.

    This bundle brings to mind the Presidential $1 Coin Historical Signature Set offered at the start of the Prezzibuck series. I believe the small portrait is the same as the one in the set.

    These sets were such obvious stinkers poor sellers that they discontinued them after the first 5 prezibucks. (Yes, I have all 5. :D ) Well, okay, they were pretty cool. Here's the Washington.

    Unfortunately, the intaglio print is a permanent part of the set. (i.e. glued in...)

    I'll post more images if anyone wants to see what these looked like. I'd imagine these populate a few closets, but aren't actually out in the wild...

  • HemisphericalHemispherical Posts: 9,370 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sure glad these are in the enrollment program. Set it and forget it.

  • erwindocerwindoc Posts: 5,144 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Anyone know how long this set/series is planned to go?

  • 3stars3stars Posts: 2,291 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @erwindoc said:
    Anyone know how long this set/series is planned to go?

    They are issuing four per year so sometime around 2029.

    Previous transactions: Wondercoin, goldman86, dmarks, Type2

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