France 20 franc 1950 rooster coin Question

I have been wondering why this coin I have is worth as much as it is.......
As you see on NGC a 3 plume is worth much more than a 4 plume, however there are 120 million (3 plume) of them out there and I imagine a lot less 4 plume (feathers) which are worth considerably less.
It also lists it the same way on Numista......
Can anybody explain this?
A world without coins "Chaos"
I looked at the Standard Catalog of World Coins (Krause) and also at the Red Gadoury (modern) French book. I gather that 120.6 million in total were minted, and the Krause Catalogs list the three plume with the total number and the four plume variety is "included above". The Red Gadoury makes it more clear that the two types two varieties) are lumped together in one total mintage number of 120.6 pieces.
I cannot imagine any vigorous collector demand for either arrangement of the small feathers on the center back part of the Rooster's main body. Your piece is actually fairly well worn at the spot in question. The Red Gadoury book does have separate photos of the three feather and four feather versions. The feathers in question are nearer the center of the back, not the tail feathers nor the feathers nearest the butt end, nor the tips of the wings.
So your answers are . 1- my coin is the 3 plume variety but is well worn.
2- the number of them is not known.
3- my coin is worth squat or less
A world without coins "Chaos"