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share a vid clip of a memorable game/sporting event you attended

galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,286 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 14, 2020 1:17PM in Sports Talk

i was 7 and in the house for this divisional playoff game between the Cowboys & Rams on Dec. 30, 1979. my lasting memory is Roger Staubach's final pass completion of his career...........to offensive lineman Herbert Scott (4:40)

the NFL is being a punk again, so you'll have to click on the youtube link to see it


you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet


  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 14, 2020 1:34PM

    I've been lucky enough to be at a couple pretty significant events ...
    My dad and I had seats about 15-20 rows up in the left field bleachers directly behind where this hit landed in the outfield.

    (Starting @ 4:01) Mariano who? :D

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I was at the inaugural Woodrow Wilson Pace at the Meadowlands in 1977


    I didn't bet the winner. :/

    For the horse players here, most notable was Falcon Almahurst didn't make the finals and won the $25,000 consolation race.

  • JRR300JRR300 Posts: 1,385 ✭✭✭✭

    @Coinstartled said:
    I was at the inaugural Woodrow Wilson Pace at the Meadowlands in 1977
    For the horse players here, most notable was Falcon Almahurst didn't make the finals and won the $25,000 consolation race.

    Didn't realize we had any fellow harness followers here. Don't have video but back in 1978, myself and two college buddies took a trip out to western PA and went to the Hambletonian. Don't remember much other than the trip with two very good friends. As our paths drifted, I no longer had people to go with, so the interest in the "trotters" dwindled. Couple that with the fact that the local tracks around Philly closed so there was nothing close.

  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @JRR300 said:

    @Coinstartled said:
    I was at the inaugural Woodrow Wilson Pace at the Meadowlands in 1977
    For the horse players here, most notable was Falcon Almahurst didn't make the finals and won the $25,000 consolation race.

    Didn't realize we had any fellow harness followers here. Don't have video but back in 1978, myself and two college buddies took a trip out to western PA and went to the Hambletonian. Don't remember much other than the trip with two very good friends. As our paths drifted, I no longer had people to go with, so the interest in the "trotters" dwindled. Couple that with the fact that the local tracks around Philly closed so there was nothing close.

    @Hallco is another. I dabble, going to Turf Paradise or watching at the OTB on occasion, but can't say I'm a regular follower.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @JRR300 said:

    @Coinstartled said:
    I was at the inaugural Woodrow Wilson Pace at the Meadowlands in 1977
    For the horse players here, most notable was Falcon Almahurst didn't make the finals and won the $25,000 consolation race.

    Didn't realize we had any fellow harness followers here. Don't have video but back in 1978, myself and two college buddies took a trip out to western PA and went to the Hambletonian. Don't remember much other than the trip with two very good friends. As our paths drifted, I no longer had people to go with, so the interest in the "trotters" dwindled. Couple that with the fact that the local tracks around Philly closed so there was nothing close.

    I made it to the meadows near Pittsburgh a couple times. We had an interest in a trotter and were lucky to see him win on one of the two visits.

    Was a huge fan from the high school years when my poker buddies decided that we needed to be where the big money was ;).

    Went twice a week for about 5 years and then interest dwindled. I have a quarter horse track in town that is open about 12 days a year. In fact It is about now when they are live.


  • bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 10,282 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • hammer1hammer1 Posts: 3,874 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is this Turf Paradise?

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    First turn seats at the 1981 Indy 500.

    Took many months for the winner to be declared.


  • 1966CUDA1966CUDA Posts: 2,008 ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 19, 2020 7:57PM

    Went to the game in 1980 in Lake Placid. Will always remember it!!!



  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,286 ✭✭✭✭✭

    very long story relatively short, in the spring of '98 a fanatical Cards buddy of mine put together a trip to STL with two other friends from college. as everyone knows, all hell broke looks that summer. as dumb luck had it, our 4-game set coincided almost perfectly with history. our last game was this one, when Big Mac tied Maris. we seriously contemplated staying another day (we knew there was an above-average chance of seeing #62), but we all had to get back for work. we had primo seats (a few rows up on the 1st base side, catty-corner from the Cards dugout), and i'll never forget a scalper in the hotel lobby offering me $1,500 for my ticket the morning of the game. i wasn't far removed from college, so that was really a tidy sum of cheddar in my world. but honestly that figure didn't even faze me, because there was no way i was missing this game. it was a surreal experience.


    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

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