Roll of Peace dollars, 1/2 roll of Morgans, BETTER DATE and CC Morgans, raw and beautiful!

Hey all,
A few additions to the bunch, potentially they will go fast, but you never know! I'll try to keep them at market moving prices, you decide! All will be charged $8 for priority shipping. I'll take care of insurance. I accept PPFF, PPGS + 3%, Check and MO. As always, IF you think my prices are silly or ridiculous, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it! I'm always happy to go higher But, if I have room to move, or if you want multiple items, I'm sure we can come to an agreement.
Down to a single roll of Peace dollars and a half (10 coins) roll of morgans. All are nice circulated examples. The morgans are not directly the ones pictured below, but from the same group and the photo is a good representation of the coins you will receive. The Morgans are great coins, nice circulated examples, ranging from VG to AU, with most clustering around VF+. They span from 1878 to 1904, no 1921s in the lot at all. The last lot of 10 is $200 ($20/coin) plus $8 ship. Peace dollars are $385 $340 for the roll ($17.5/coin $17/coin) plus $8 for the shipping.
Next is a bunch of great circulated morgan dollars, better dates and 2 CCs. Here's the list and the price breakdown, the photos are at the end!
1878 cc F20 --------------------$10095
1890 cc VG10 ------------------$7570
1884 s XF40 --------------------$60
1893 p F2 -----------------------$85
1902 s F12 rim bumps -----$70
1903 s VG10 -------------------$6055
I'll send you personal check for the $5 buffaloe if that is fine with you! Always wanted one! I have never bought from here so how will this work?
@alexerca please check your private messages.
Up you go!
to da moon!
PM sent
Morgans sold. Peace and Kennedy’s available.
Up for new stuff!
Up for new stuff!
Check the math on your Peace dollar roll. $17neach would be $340, not $375 Thought you would want to know
Up for da bad maths!
Need to sell these...