Greyside FUN show purchases

Hi everyone,
Just thought I'd share photos of some Canadian pieces I picked up at this year's FUN show in Orlando. Nothing fancy or earth-shattering, just some collector-grade pieces for my various albums.
1907 Ten Cents
1937 Ten Cents (toning not so even, but hardly any marks)
1930 Twenty-Five Cents
1919 Fifty Cents
I see you did find a few! Nice to see you again!
It was good to see you again also. I always enjoy our chats - we old-time collectors are a dying breed. I actually picked these up on the first day - I must have looked at over a thousand coins, or so it seems, to end up with these few.
Shortly after I talked to you I started to get really burned out, and I left at 1:30 PM. I think I wore myself out on day 1 as I was there from 10 AM until about 10 minutes from closing. Walking around on a concrete floor all day while subsisting on nothing but peanut butter crackers is not something I would care to do on a regular basis!
Tell me about those concrete floors! My knees are always aching at the end of the day. I've come close to trying some of those shoes with springs in them but it seems the only way to buy them is online. That's something I would want to try on before I fork over more than $100!
Nike Air Max with the full air sole and gel inserts do nicely as well....
Well, just Love coins, period.