Any members here in Trucking/Transportation Logistics??

2 questions here 1- As to how many of any share my field of work 2- Have any of you ran across any interesting coins along the way? Thxs My one and only story is a novelty toy/candy machine at a truck stop in southern Indiana outfitted with coins from Wheat backs to SlQ’s and at a charge of 1.50-2.50 a pop. I don’t have pictures any more. I did grab a couple Couldn’t resist
I was going from Cal. to the east coast and stopped in a filling station .
It was in Mississippi inside the restraint. Nice people, but at the time had to make time.
All the coins were placed inside those egg shaped holders.
US 1 Cents....only
Very good idea @ 25 cents per turn.
I might add 3 smokeys were leaving as I was pulling in.
Of course they head me sounding the alarm, I'll never forget that look he gave me.
Wasn't in trucking persay but did audit trucking company invoices for a major oil producer and refiner in the 1990's. Interesting job, learned a lot.
Worked for a broker for a little over five years. As it was an office job, no interesting coins found out in the field. I did travel to shippers at the time to drum up business, but collecting had taken a back seat during those years.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
No, but I have found some nice Lincolns at local truck stops. They generally all have a coin dispensing machine behind the counter. And typically will have coins from all over the states.
I am a diesel mechanic and fleet manager for a 19 truck fleet. We haul products that deal with agriculture and only work for farmers. We run 20 hours a day 7 days a week. I never know what each day will bring and what stress each phone call may have. We stay in state so I don’t have any cool finds for your second question.
Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)
Very cool, What state do you operate out of?
I usually burn up all of my 14 hrs as a driver since I’m regional
I am in a rural area of Minnesota, had -14 this morning, no trucks gelled up so it’s been a good day!!
Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)