U429 Reverse question

Just a general question for the minds that know. My assistant has come across a U429 Carmine 2¢ that is reversed. Only reason I am here asking is that my knowledge and research has uncovered the error. Now having found several of the error with one exception. The reverse is on the inside of the envelope and the normal on the outside (many times cancelled as well). The one I have is boldly colored and embossed, but only one side. I wish it was still on the envelope so it would answer the question easier, but it was cut off long ago. I have seen some where there is a light remnant of the reverse, and again bold and correct on the other side.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for not having an image to show. If needed I will get it.
I am not an expert in this field But if you find the solution, I am interested
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Thanks clarc I will. Best I have yet to date is that it is the reverse error. Yet no explanation as to why only one sided. Maybe like some other printing errors there was two sheets atop each other? That would explain why only one sided on my sample. But would leave me with a little head scratcher on the deep embossing of my sample. Guess I may dig it back out and take some pics and see if that draws interest from the knowledge base.
Bump! Any ideas?