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1864 Seated Quarter - an unexpected Xmas pickup

Senator32Senator32 Posts: 407 ✭✭✭✭✭

Was gifted a rather amazing coin purchased out of the Quantum Collection a few years back (a collection of super original high end coins found in albums that had been in a Missouri attic since the 1950s.). Grade MS-62+ by NGC this seated quarter has insane album toning and great luster....though was sadly beat up a bit in a mint bag. Will have to try and cross this coin this next year.

From the 2017 Scotsman auction description:
"The Quantum Collection. Mintage: 93,600. 1 graded MS-62+, 28 higher at NGC. Much scarcer as a circulation strike than as a proof, the turbulence of the Civil War witnessed greatly reduced emission of quarters in the penultimate year of the conflict. Perhaps due to light abrading of the reverse field, NGC declined a fully choice grade, settling upon MS-62+ -- which may make this the prettiest 1864 quarter in existence NOT given a "choice" assessment. Stunning sea-green, aqua, electric-magenta and almond gold encircle the obverse in smaller and smaller diameter ellipses, bring focus to LIBERTY on the shield. The reverse displays similar tone, shifted toward the eagle's shield as a point of emphasis."

Video: https://imgur.com/a/tUYi8Le



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