The portraits of women on Roman coins give us a good idea of what popular hair styles of the time looked like. Since coins like this are easily dated the knowledge of hairstyles can aid in the dating of other Roman objects that depict women's hairstyles.
Nice addition, the reverse is nicely centered.
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The portraits of women on Roman coins give us a good idea of what popular hair styles of the time looked like. Since coins like this are easily dated the knowledge of hairstyles can aid in the dating of other Roman objects that depict women's hairstyles.
Nice coin!
That's a well struck denarius.
Nice portrait!
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
I found it to be an attractive example for the portrait and strike.
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Nice denarius with good reverse centering. Maybe you'll consider adding a Faustina Senior next?
I have that one!
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Faustina senior is the one that started this.

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Note the interesting hair style on Faustina Sr.