The Invincible Sun god

I was captivated by a discussion of Christmas origins, on YouTube. Because I have nothing better to do, I was motivated into looking into depictions of Sol on ancient coinage. These three may be the beginnings of an active collecting topic, because as I said, I have nothing better to do with my time.
Gordian III (I am fascinated by this emperor, anyway)
Constantine I
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Neat coins. I have a similar coin of Probus with the consular bust, and facing Sol in quadriga (I wish more of the late emperors had been as creative with their designs). I think Emperor Aurelian was the first to promote Sol, in an attempt to create a unifying focal point in the traditional pantheon, without abandoning it all together. If you haven't picked up a coin of Aurelian yet, I'm sure he'd fit right in with these three.
Out of curiosity, why the fascination with Gordian III? Not questioning it, just curious.
@TitusFlavius : When I was a kid, I collected Lincoln pennies. The brick and mortar where I usually went had a small display of ancient Romans. The prices were not displayed and not having much money, I was too shy to ask. Finally, I could not help myself any longer and asked for the price. The darn things cost less than the pennies that I was buying. The very first Roman coin I ever purchased was a Gordian III antoninianus. Set me back $3.50. I was hooked, collecting ancients for several years before prices and other themes weaned me away. But I still have a special place in my heart for imperial Romans, especially Gordian III. See my link, below.
Cool! I too went from pennies, eventually to ancients. Gordian III has always been a bit mysterious to me. Despite reigning for a decent time (by third century standards), not many personal details about the emperor have come down through the sources. I have a Liberalitas Ant of him. A denarius of his is high on my want list, since his reign was the last major issue of the traditional silver denarius.