FS - 1961, 1962 & 1963 Proof Sets......

......., each containing 5 coins that look Cameo.
Asking $100.00 for the 1963, $100.00 for the 1962 and $110.00 for the 1961.
PM if interested.
......., each containing 5 coins that look Cameo.
Asking $100.00 for the 1963, $100.00 for the 1962 and $110.00 for the 1961.
PM if interested.
Attached are better photos of the 1961 set after I removed haze from the half, quarter, dime and nickel.
Attached are better photos of the 1963 set after removing haze from the half, quater and dime.
If interested make me an offer.
While proofs from the 1960s are common and plentiful, frosted examples of the 5 coins in a year set are not easy to find in the wild.
These sets have much greater eye appeal than your typical brilliant set.
The 1961 set is sold.
The 1962 and 1963 sets are still available. I am dropping the asking prices on those sets to $75.00 each.
Bump again.
The 1962 and 1963 sets are still available. I am dropping the asking prices on those sets to $60.00. These sets have five coins with frosted devices on both sides. They are much better quality than run of the mill brilliant sets for 1962 and 1963.
If interested send me a PM.
TTT, again.
The 62 and 63 sets are still available.
All three sets have been sold. My thanks to the purchasers.