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I have a picture I cannot remove.

In my $20 St. Gaudens registry I have three pictures of my 1909/8. Two of them I took, the third looks somewhat like a TruView, but isn't, appeared out of nowhere. When I go to edit, under my two pics I get a red 'remove' button, under the third pic is no red 'remove' button. Anyone else have this problem?


  • robecrobec Posts: 6,780 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 17, 2019 3:53PM

    Are TrueViews automatically set to download as a preference? It sounds like one of the old Secure photos may have loaded, which sometimes acts like a TrueView. The only way to get rid of it is to turn off the automatic TrueView upload option.

    The problem with that is that it will also delete the other TrueViews along with the unwanted Secure photo. You can always manually upload each individual TrueView or other photos.

    You could also get in touch with a Registry mod to complain about the unwanted photo.

  • renman95renman95 Posts: 7,037 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thx Bob.

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