Anyone Filled in the Online Submission Form...

and then didn't actually get around to sending it in for a couple months? I know the form provides an expiration date near the top, but I am unclear as to why there needs to be one. A C.S. rep told me it was because of the potential for the billing info to change after a couple months, but they would contact us if they couldn't get the payment to work anyways. Soooooo -- rather than fill out an entirely new form for the 256 cards I want to submit, can I just use the form I already filled out, even tho it is past the expiration date listed near the top of the online form?
You can but expect a huge delay. As you aware on the e-mail you get the form is good for 30 days then drops from the system.
The one time I did it after the 30 days date instead of the normal 7-Day order status wait it wound up being 21 business days til it appeared. And it started on that date not the date they got it. Learned the lesson the hard way😞
I've had to re-enter 150 cards took less than an hour since they were saved in the system. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.
Thx Jeff...appreciate the input...I also have to get around to taking photos of the 256 cards, so I have some work ahead of me to get these out the door so I can get the $8 per card bulk rate...I assume that as long as they are postmarked in 2019 that that $8 rate will apply