**EDIT** TruView added * 1843 O Seated Liberty Dime - Is there room to wiggle here?

Just won on the bay $342, defiantly some problems. Wiped to death but a gold shield to boot 😆 Honestly I did not purchase this for my own collection as I do not need it. But rather to flip quick. Did I leave some meat on the bone here? Found the Tru view Bc the seller is a lazy sack naturally.
Gonna guess you paid about what it’s worth
You paid about 1/4 of what a straight graded piece would sell for, so I think you could make some money on it. It may take a while though. I'm not sure how many collectors are in the market for Details seated dimes.
That is true, can’t say anyone is jumping out of there seats to find a details grade key date but I agree on the price. I know a LCS actually who would take it off my hands but they will go off grey sheet and take a percentage off for the details.
You paid more than I would for is all I know.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Subjective to a collectors needs but noted!
I learned a long time ago, that problem coins are exceptionally difficult to sell. It is not that they cannot be sold, it is that they take multiple times longer to sell at a profitable price point than a problem-free example. How fast you turn over your money is very important in business, as it affects your capital demands.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
True and noted in my brain log lol seriously I may have jumped the gun on this one. I appreciate the advice
All it takes is 2 people to want it. I sold a 12 sided VG 1864 awhile back on ebay that ended up close to $500!
I like your coin!
True! That’s something though!
Someone else's problem is now your problem.