Thanks for email dear they are not fake they temple coins.. Which was issued by east india company during there reign to honour Kings and Queens in India.. They gave these coins as honour to them..
When i asked why is not labeled as token, he replied:
token is something else token is replica but temple coins are not replica or token... Its different from token and replica.. Temple coins are issued as goodwill gesture to make kings and queen's happy...
How can they all be dated 1818 when William IV did not become King until 1830?
The child who would become Queen Victoria in 1837 wasn't even born yet in 1818 - she was born on May 24, 1819.
These are not legitimate coins of the East India Company, or anywhere else. They are cheapo modern fantasies.
Fool yourself if you must. Remember what Forrest Gump said.
The East India Company (British) issued a number of coins over many years. Here is a photo of one of the more common ones:
This is also a common coin issued under the auspices of the East India Company (small variations exist):
This is a coin of Queen Victoria, issued in India by the British administration a few years after The East India Company had passed from the rule of India:
Thanks for email dear they are not fake they temple coins.. Which was issued by east india company during there reign to honour Kings and Queens in India.. They gave these coins as honour to them..
When i asked why is not labeled as token, he replied:
token is something else token is replica but temple coins are not replica or token... Its different from token and replica.. Temple coins are issued as goodwill gesture to make kings and queen's happy...
The design is not detailed enough to be real. They are probably that big to be paperweights or tourist souvenirs
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
You are more courageous than I am - new poster, posts links instead of images...
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
Oh my. That is sad.
Do you realize that Queen Victoria wasn't even born until 1819? She acceded to the throne in 1837!
Her uncle, King William IV, did not become King until 1830!
Two aana?
Thx for the photos.
Yikes! That is a terrible portrait of Queen Vic, aside from other issues.
Apart from the designs they seem to he well made copies, though, and they almost look struck.
If you have a bunch of aana, I think I know the plural!
The seller just replied back:
Thanks for email dear they are not fake they temple coins.. Which was issued by east india company during there reign to honour Kings and Queens in India.. They gave these coins as honour to them..
When i asked why is not labeled as token, he replied:
token is something else token is replica but temple coins are not replica or token... Its different from token and replica.. Temple coins are issued as goodwill gesture to make kings and queen's happy...
Maybe he is right?
No. They are modern fakes.
How can they all be dated 1818 when William IV did not become King until 1830?
The child who would become Queen Victoria in 1837 wasn't even born yet in 1818 - she was born on May 24, 1819.
These are not legitimate coins of the East India Company, or anywhere else. They are cheapo modern fantasies.
Fool yourself if you must. Remember what Forrest Gump said.
The East India Company (British) issued a number of coins over many years. Here is a photo of one of the more common ones:
This is also a common coin issued under the auspices of the East India Company (small variations exist):
This is a coin of Queen Victoria, issued in India by the British administration a few years after The East India Company had passed from the rule of India:
No compleat fakes. Some people just have a hard time admitting that they are fakes.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
They are not fakes and not temple tokens. They are modern tourist souvenirs.