What is meant by 1982 Reserves? Official Pony League signed ball

I was given this by a friend who knows I like signed baseballs. It is an Official Pony League signed ball from 1982 with many signatures on it. I assume they are just youth players who all signed the ball. What I am confused on is the Reserves part. What is meant by 1982 Reserves? Maybe it is the team name?
Perhaps non-starters for an All-Star team?
There are many signatures from women on the ball. I know around here the term "auxiliary" or "reserve" is often used to describe a booster club or support group. Also almost always used to describe a group of women who support a men's club or other organization they can't directly participate in.
Maybe "reserves" here is the team's parents or boosters. Those would be quite excellent signatures for high school age kids. I imagine it was a ball given to the coach from the kid's parents as a memento of the season.