Should I haggle or negotiate with my LCS?

I've been doing business with this one local coin shop for several years now, and have never really tried to haggle or lower the price of anything. However since I've been a loyal customer for a long while they usually give me a few bucks off on my purchases. Should I try to further negotiate the prices or am I alright considering they already give me a small discount?
Best Answers
Hemispherical Posts: 9,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
Welcome @JackS747 to the CU forums.
It appears you have already built a good relationship with your LCS. Unless you feel your not getting the best deal the I’d leave it alone. I have a similar LCS. No haggle and no fuss and offers me deals without me asking.
Save the haggling for those coin meetings and conventions; and another LCS.
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BillDugan1959 Posts: 3,821 ✭✭✭✭✭
If you could walk away from this LCS and never ever go back, test your luck.
If it's part of your normal circuit and social life, don't change the present MO.
Brick and Mortar coin dealers got a lot of expenses, and yes, the customers gotta cover those.
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1987WheatCent Posts: 31 ✭
i would not haggle. Your local distributor depends on loyal customers like yourself to turn a profit, and you would be eating into said profit by trying to take advantage. I would keep the relationship as strong as possible, to ensure that you get first options on future numismatic purchases.
All good advice above.
All I might add it that you could possibly drop a hint about being in the market for something at a certain price point. That way it isn't really haggling and let's him know his options. But that's more of an open ended scenario.