CARDTOONS 1993 - BEHOLD the Box Rip !

Would PSA encase these as 'authentic' without grading ? Unlicensed issue.
Would PSA encase these as 'authentic' without grading ? Unlicensed issue.
Scans are showing up here smaller than they used to. Guess it's not worth the time scanning the backs.

Those cards are horrible, lol.
Charlie Hustle - Really need to slide into first on a walk?
You now must wait for the glorious rest of them ! (friggin work called - work always gets in the way of the real world slothery of carddom)
I enjoyed those when they were relatively new. Some of the names were great, like the Henderson. Ended up buying several boxes. The foil inserts were tough and used to sell decently. I tried building the insert sets, but they were not popular enough and now, I just lost interest over time.
I just recalled on another site or thread my selling two of the Ernie Banks cards for $25 each in the early days of ebay!
Well on iPhones you can read the backs.

Box had four of the 9 cards puzzle sets above. If anyone wants a 9 card set in toploader and PWE just ping.

I've never seen these before. Me likey.