From China's Muslim West - Qing

Unusual Chinese cash, with Chinese, Manchu and Uighur. If anyone can translate, the holder had something handwritten in Chinese.
Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis
Unusual Chinese cash, with Chinese, Manchu and Uighur. If anyone can translate, the holder had something handwritten in Chinese.
Two yuan six ten cen ( two coins for sixty cents)
円 is an ancient Chinese writing and pronounced as Yuan. 仙 is pronounced the same as in English "cen" (cent). 円/Yuan was an old slang used to describe a coin.
This mess was written in formal capital number/complex numerals characters with homophone at the end. In other words, an old man from Hong Kong wrote this.
@TurboSnail Thank you!
No problem . Come to think of it, Macau a short boat ride from HK did used the word "cent" long ago. So it is possible, this writing was from Hong Kong, Macau or Chinatown, USA. lol
There is no Arabic script on this coin.
Uyghuristan (Xinjiang), issued during Qian-long reign (1736-1795). Osh (Ushi) mint.
Obverse: Qian Long Tong Bao. Reverse: Mint name Osh (Ushi) printed in Manchu (left) and Uighur (right) scripts.
@IVB Thank you. I have made the correction. My sources were unclear.
That coin of yours represents my ethnic makeup. Bring it to NYINC and we'll talk, ok?
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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@EVillageProwler Hope to remember. Your comment warrants a "wow" from me! Lots of history and culture in one person. Why I am fascinated by sovereigns, such as Britain's and Japan's.