Funny tracking (from Heritage via FedEx).

Apparently Heritage is sending out catalogs again...I'd gotten a message they were sending something, and as I haven't ordered anything from them in awhile I'm assuming it's catalogs. FedEx ground must be cheap as this is their method.
In any case I just got a 'delivery exception'...apparently whatever they are sending ended up in Raleigh, NC. According to the tracking the package is being 'rerouted to the correct address'. Cool, but never have I seen a FedEx go astray like that and they manage to get me stuff from Japan in 24 hours.
But, the funniest part is the final comment: 'the US Postal Service will deliver this shipment'.
I guess when FedEx makes a boo boo they just drop it in the mail
That’s Fedex smart post. After it gets into your town they give it to the post office For final delivery
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
Raleigh NC isn't my town though
I guess your item wants a whole tour of the USA before it gets to you
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!