Nepal coin mystery

I am totally confused on the dating system of Nepalese coins. In particular this one... Can someone explain how their numbers work, and identify this coin?
A world without coins "Chaos"
I am totally confused on the dating system of Nepalese coins. In particular this one... Can someone explain how their numbers work, and identify this coin?
A world without coins "Chaos"
Request for "Nepalese coin dating" in Google shows:
The dating system in Nepal is called the Bikram Samwat (also spelled as: Bikram Sambat, Vikram Samwat or Vikram Samvat; abbreviated as BS or, more often, VS). In order to get a Gregorian date out of the Bikram Samwat date, you should subtract 57 years from the VS date. For example: 2067 VS = (2067 – 57) AD = 2010 AD. This difference occurs because the Bikram Samwat calendar is believed to have been founded by Vikramāditya, a legendary emperor of Ujjain, India, in 57 BC.
Your coin is Nepal 2 paisa, 2012 (1955)
So their 9 is a 1. Because i see the date on the coin as 2092
A world without coins "Chaos"
The coin date is 2012 in Nepalese dating system. Or 1955 AD.
found the listing for Nepal numbers...Thanks for your help.
A world without coins "Chaos"
I was pleased to help you.