Official PCGS Banknote Thread

PCGS Banknote is coming!
Starting January 2020 we will be accepting submissions for our domestic U.S. and world banknote authentication and grading service.
(This image is a mockup)
Learn more here:
We will be adding more information and content as we get closer to launch so be sure to check back frequently.
Heather Boyd
PCGS Senior Director of Marketing
Thank you Heather, for keeping us well informed and up to date.
Thank you for the heads-up. Good luck !!!
As mentioned on other forums, the certification number and barcode below the grade on the front of the holder would be better suited being placed on the back of the holder.
Congratulations. I hope you can regain all the customers and business lost due to how the former lessee of your company conducted business
The front of the holder should be about aesthetics because first and foremost old banknotes are like art to look at. Secondly you need space for important information such as provenance. Collectors also like to see radar, repeater, ladder, etc in that space. Having a number for some database and a bar code on the front of the holder may be functional, but is more of an eye sore to most collectors I have talked to. Can you imagine if they did that on the frame of paintings? Don't follow the baseball card and comic book industry in that respect. Put the bar code and database number on the back side of the holder where it should be. Personally I can think of at least 10 collectors that will be sending their notes to PMG if this change is not made, because no one I know wants to look at bar codes and identification numbers when enjoying their collection. It turns your currency album into some shopping catalog you get in the mail. Collectors want beauty, it's the reason we pay for re-holders when the mylar becomes scratched or the holder label shows excessive wear. You should listen closely to your customers, especially when the advice is sound. PCGS banknote has a long tough road ahead if they are going to make significant inroads into this market. If you don't listen to your customers, you will always be 2nd fiddle to PMG. The market for grading banknotes really does need healthy competition, but don't make the choice obvious for collectors...give them another option to think about.
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I notice on their membership gold and platinum levels there are vouchers...but the site only mentions they are for coins. Is it likely these will be available for currency submissions also?
Very good question!
HeatherBoyd sent you a message
Thank you for the question, PCGS Collectors Club vouchers will be eligible for use on both coins and currency starting January 1.
I like the new holders. 👍
My YouTube Channel
Seller Juliancoin is posting Legacy Currency Graded notes on EBay in violation of EBay policies as well as claiming they are affiliated with PCGS.
That should be a trademark use violation.
I just submitted 2 banknotes at a show. Usually members get a few coin flips with their membership. Will PCGS have sample banknote holders for members to use as well?
Thank you
Would a $2 bill dated 1976 with a stamp and Post Mark cancellation qualify for a 1st Day of Issue Pedigree. The Post Office only cancelled them on that 1st day as I recall. I have 8 pcs that I as an 18 yr old High School Senior personally got from the bank and took to the Post Office and had them stamped and cancelled. I forgot how much the stamp was and I just mailed them all off to get graded.
Hello @GRANDAM I recommend contacting our support team at to have them look into this for you,
Heather Boyd
PCGS Senior Director of Marketing
I don’t think it’s a violation anymore. TT is doing the same with a text that Legacy was welcomed in the ebay dysfunctional family.
Well for beauty, I believe that the now extinct PCGS Currency had the lead. However, if (God forbid) we imagine a scenario with such graded notes on a table and a clumsy guest spills a glass of water, I don’t wanna think about the financial damage of the owner of these notes.
You certainly have a point with barcodes and Cert numbers in the front, it’s such an easy change!
So, safety beyond beauty I believe is a reasonable demand. And this is coming from someone who has 80% of his notes in these unsafe holders. But then again, I do not show them off. Now all grading services have taken care of this, we can throw them for a swim in the sea and pick them up later with a speedboat. Or so they claim.
What I really want to know is how the new PCGS is going to treat the very first PCGS banknote holdered notes, and PCGS gold shield holdered notes... Hmmmm.
A surprising crossgrade that I did was with PCGS gold shield notes to PMG. A little self awareness does not hurt of course, so I had put yellow stick notes on each, practically accepting a one point downgrade to all: it was very high grade and high value euronotes, from €50 to €500 and the results were satisfying: half of the euronotes were downgraded one point, the other half wasn’t. The €500 was in a PCGS Currency holder and it was the only one that I refused a downgrade and it’s still in its old holder, which made me laugh a little.
Any update on when PCGS Banknote will have an online population report and a set registry? It was mentioned over a year ago that it was coming but so far nothing.
Still waiting on any news of either a registry set or population report for currency. Come on someone at PCGS Banknote needs to look into this and give us an explanation.
While my main interest is in the "Population" reporting should or would be a very simple a computer/ accounting strokes
I don’t understand what the above post has to do with paper money. It looks like spam.
looking for price list for banknotes on this site.
Can someone explain to me why PCGS never did currency grading themselves....they farmed it out....then took it back....and where Legacy falls into that, too ?
Legacy is owned by Jason Bradford. Bradford ran PCGS currency grading before PCGS decided to revoke or not renew their partnership.