Two Cards came back unslabbed

Do you think this is a miscut?!?! I’ve seen way worse get an OC.
Also, wtf do I do about Curley? It’s an authentic card. Never been trimmed (that’s what I decipher from min size). 🤷🏻♂️
Do you think this is a miscut?!?! I’ve seen way worse get an OC.
Also, wtf do I do about Curley? It’s an authentic card. Never been trimmed (that’s what I decipher from min size). 🤷🏻♂️
The playoff card is definitely mis-cut, I would just send Culp back in and hopefully it’s gets graded the next time
Min size doesn't mean it has been trimmed. Lay it on top of a card that you know is the correct size side to side and top to bottom or measure it. I typically just get a new card that I know is cut correctly and measure it against that. Most likely it will be smaller I very good example of this is the 1986 Fleer Jabbar sticker. Seems that most of them are short side to side coming right out of the package.
I’m not seeing the “definitely mis-cut”. Can someone please educate me? Looks almost identical to this one that can back an 8.
Try putting the playoff card up to another card as well. A newer card that you know is perfectly square. I'm betting the card was cut at an angle. Actually, just looking now, you can see the miscut on the back near the border near the number.
Thanks. I do see that now. I submitted 3 Culps. The other two came back 7s. Is it worth resubmitting this one assuming it would also be graded 7 (if getting a grade at all)?
Sorry to take this off topic. But for my own reference if you send in cards and want to avoid minsize type of rejections could you just state minimum grade "authentic" and you will always receive a slabbed card back?
I ask again because I've had rejected cards and swear I wrote a minimum grade of authentic.
CU Ancient Members badge member.
I would be willing to bet they are going to catch it again and the only hope would be to get it in an "authentic" holder. Not sure that it would be worth the grading fee.
From what I have been told, it's up to the individual grader even if you do put minimum grade "authentic" on the submission form that they make that decision. But, I was also told that if you see on your status that it is coming back that way, to call before they ship it out and a customer service rep can possibly take care of it for you. Don't hold me to that, just what I've been told.
I just called and got the same answer regarding authentic and holdered as a "case by case" situation.
I tried to get more detail on the specific rules behind what would and would not get slabbed. But got nothing concrete.
As a customer It is frustrating. So do I send in a $5000 authentic card and pay the fee hoping it would be holdered as authentic? Or risk paying the fee to get it returned without a holder because it had evidence of alterations.
A real bummer as a consumer.
CU Ancient Members badge member.
I sent a 33 Goudey Ruth in a couple months back. I knew that it had already been submitted to them from the previous owner and came back in a cards saver as "altered". I sent it back in and marked it to be holdered "authentic altered" and it came but holdered. I had called and asked the rep and that was when I was told to just call in if I saw that it wasn't being holdered and they would take care of it. I think that with everything going on, we may see more slabbed as "authentic altered", which would be good.
Sounds like you had the right formula in your submission "Authentic altered".
I'll just submit my card as authentic altered in the notes. Hopefully there is no misunderstanding. I just want the dang card holdered.
Thanks for your feedback on this subject. Sorry for the hijack OP.
CU Ancient Members badge member.
Thanks for help. The nuances seem so small. I’m learning a lot. Unfortunately the price is $8 a lesson. Lol.
My 1973 Ken Anderson came back graded a 4. It was a complete head-scratcher at first. Looked as good as the 73 Art Shell that came back an 8 (or so I thought). Then under glare light conditions you can see a small surface crease I never saw before.
I likely missed it before submission given I’m somewhat a noob but makes you wonder when and where something like that might occur and whether that can happen during shipping or while with PSA.
There's no charge for the two that didn't get slabbed ...
PSA will also not grade items that do not meet the minimum size requirement (N6), were miscut by the manufacturer (N8), or items we do not grade due to being an obscure issue or not fitting in our holders (N9). Items that receive N6, N8 or N9 results will not be charged the grading fee.
I have had cards come back a few times as miscut that got good grades with no qualifiers when sent in a second time.
This is a clear cut (miscut) case of outright discrimination.
I am waiting for my 75 minis to come back.I spent hours going through 100 cards that I submitted.I was very careful with measuring and used a loupe however with the luck I have had in the past with minis I may be a bit disappointed with the results.The ones I sent in are mostly from the low population category that are difficult to find or priced way too high , like a PSA 9
Common card for $300+.I am having second thoughts about grading this set.