1958 Topps Jim Brown PSA 8 PWCC Previously owned by Gary Vaynerchuk

I was scrolling trough the PWCC listings and came across this one.
I remember seeing this discussed on Twitter right after the National and the guy who bought it being so excited with the purchase and buying it from Gary V. I am surprised to see it coming up for sale so quickly.
Let me first say I have dealt with Gary and his helper and they were super professional and easy to deal with and so this has nothing to do with them.
I am a little surprised the card is being marketed in this manner. It has been touched by Gary V.
Does anyone else think the fact that a card was previously owned by someone is irrelevant and wouldn't encourage you to spend a penny more? I have never understood the concept that a prior owner somehow makes a card more valuable.
Doesn't look bump-able (and was likely tried anyway) so I do not see it surpassing a PSA 8 average price.
Reminds me of the Dmitri Young collection PSA cards. Big whoop. My PSA 9 Rickey Henderson rookie looks better than the PSA 10 Rickey rookie out of Dmitris "personal collection" that floats around.
Excuse my ignorance but who is this Gary guy?
Does PWCC command the same premiums they used to?
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
He is actually a big deal. I was talking to a co worker and they were trying to get him as a guest speaker. He charges $150,000 for an hour or just over. Has a huge following on social media and a very large net worth.
I was shocked at how this guy Chris was acting when I said I sold him a card.
Edit: I first heard of him from this interview.
Not sure.
They certainly aren't hurting for consignments that is for sure. They have over 8k items listed.
It is irrelevent who owned it. Having a celebrity owner isn't going to make the card magical or anything. It isn't going to grant you three wishes or anything.
I remember when Dimitri Young liquidated his collection of pedigreed cards a few years back. I seem to recall there being some premium for those cards but in those cases his name was noted on the flip. For me, as a collector, it would make zero difference who owned the cards previously.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
People really at the time seemed to pay up.
One card that broke out from his SCP auction and only went higher was the 1986 Topps Traded Tiffany Bo Jackson PSA 10. It tripled in that auction and now that price is a steal.
Keeping in mind that most of these consignments now being listed have been in house for months.
A Dmitri Young, Mantle Owned, Spence, Sports related guy’s flip would carry more significance to me than a Gary V. owned card would. But even then, very little premium would be paid.
But here’s the real kicker.
The Gary V. flip doesnt carry a premium in my eye. But it doesnt hurt it either.
I give huge credit for what V. has done, but lets face it, he’s basically just a social media influencer slash flipper. He’s in it for the money. Not the love of collecting. But, thats ok, too. So long as he doesnt act like a true collector, I see no problem with it.
It makes me think of the person a while back who on ebay was trying to sell a set of 1971 Topps that was advertized as previously owned by Charlie Sheen. The cards were nothing special if I recall, not graded, just in a binder and sheets. The guy had such a huge premium on the listing too, it was obnoxious. I don't recall if it eventually sold or not, but the listing finally went away.
I have seen a number of graded cards that were owned by someone specific and the case had memorialized that prior owner on the label. Being part of a larger, well know collection (like the Lionel Carter Collection, for example) may warrant a slight premium for some, but I think most collectors would not care as long as the price was right. If I ever wanted something like that, this is the way it would need to be. The card would have to be labeled permanently, such as in a graded case.
As I wrapped up my thoughts above, another odd item came to mind that I remember reading about. Someone sold or was trying to sell a vehicle that was previously owned by Mike Trout. I think it started out as a regular used vehicle sale, but became something much more. Similar to a card being owned by Trout, but maybe feelings are a little different? Maybe this is more personal in nature, thus more meaningful?
In the end, how is a game used jersey or bat card any different? The thrill of owning a piece of wood or fabric once owned and touched by a famous player.
@mrmopar The only event used card that I own is a Brock Lesnar from 2002 where it has a piece of his shirt. I honestly couldn't care less. I understand why the trading card companies make this stuff but I would prefer they left the original artifact intact. I can understand why someone would want to own a game used bat or jersey as it was part of that athletes journey and why they are considered special. A trading card held by someone for a minute and flipped to someone else is a different story!
Thats the key.
“For a minute”.
I own a card from the Carter collection, not for the card but as homage to the collector! That guy was all time.
And still haunts me underbidding on the ‘62 Mantle that was once owned by Mantle.
Yeah I wouldn’t pay a premium for a card based on who owned it before. Not a penny.
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps
A card owned by the athlete would be really cool. What is back story on it?
Who is Gary V? If collectors care about that, I gotta start taking pictures of cards being held by celebrities and then sell them. Might be a whole new business
Instagram: mattyc_collection
I first heard his name in April when his interview with Rich Eisen started circulating on Twitter. He is definitely incredibly successful.
Ah just saw the link above, my bad. Clearly a successful businessman; not sure him having owned a card would enhance its value tho
Instagram: mattyc_collection
I think I remember the auction that had the Mantle-owned cards. Very cool pieces for sure.
Instagram: mattyc_collection
He made a big splash into cards this year. Topps had him in a set and he was putting out loads of stuff on Twitter but seems to have slowed.
Regardless I just can't see paying a premium for a card held by another collector or in this case a dealer who flipped it.
Correct. I think I can honestly say that any premiums paid for Dmitri flips today are solely associated to time value only. Not the flip, not the provenance and certainly not the eye appeal as stacked up next to other 10's. Several of the bigger ticket items have even been removed from said DYC flips. As others have expressed, many seemed like gift grades. It also doesn't help that the guy who was the main procurer of some of these 10's has since surfaced as one of the known trimmers.
Yes, maybe 4 years ago or so. Most of the cards were in SGC notated flips with the bottom line reading "Mantle Once Owned" or something very similar.
Can you read this?
What did HighGradeLegends have to say?
I can't see his posts.
It’s been like that for me for months now...I’ll always see “HighGradeLegends” as the last commenter in certain threads, but I can never see his stuff. Did AFLFan get tired of him welcoming everyone to the forum? Lol
Ditto - was curious about that too. Thought maybe @AFLFan removed a post of his from a different thread and the system still thought he posted last, but since others have noticed there might be something else going on.
Let’s give him another chance!
I wouldn't pay any premium at all for a Gary V owned card (nothing against the guy personally), but I could see someone paying a premium for a card previously owned by the same player (ie. a '52 Topps Mantle previously owned by the Mick would command a decent premium). I could also see a slight premium (maybe 10% - 20%) for a card once owned by a more legendary collector, for example a card once owned by Jefferson Burdick.
In reference to HighGradeLegends posts not showing up, I can't see his posts either. The same thing has happened with forum member "Horse". His posts don't show up anymore either. He tried to create a thread and it wouldn't show up. I don't know what's going on, the only thing I can think of is maybe it's some kind of bug?
Probably the "comment must be approved by moderator" algorithm thing.
Happens to me frequently when:
Funny thing is it doesn't even show up for them but we can at least see their name, just not the post. They see nothing so they keep trying, which flags it again and harder, keeping in mind if you try to post a picture 3 or 4 times because you keep getting denied, you automatically hit two of the criteria quickly (pic but no words and number of posts) just by trying to post a card or pick up. It can most certainly be frustrating especially when you don't understand why.
The funny thing is Todd probably doesn't even know about the boards particular security feature and when he checks into it ALL of these flagged posts will be released and there will be threads being bumped out of nowhere with everyone's older comments. The rest of the board will be scratching their heads wondering if these guy's are on crack.
I have found it to be so odd that for months I would look on my phone and see a new comment on a thread by HGL and there was nothing there.
Last night when I posted that I had clicked on his user ID to see if maybe I could find it that way. I clicked on the comments link and it said I didn't have permission to see his comments. I clicked on a few more board members ID's and that link and could see them all.
I've noticed this for awhile, also, and had also gone to his user ID, with the same results as you. I can't remember the topic, but I recall that he had made a few posts that, while not offensive to me, I thought at the time that it was going to ruffle a few feathers with the wrong people. I had a similar thing happen to my own posting privileges after the (what I thought was an innocent topic) "1975 Yount with the puddle" thread. My privileges were restored after a couple weeks, though. It's been months for HGL, but apparently he continues attempting to post.
HighGradeLegends: if you’re reading this buddy, we’re all pulling for you in this time of sadness. I hope you can overcome whatever posting issues you’re having and come out of this a stronger person. Your forum introductions were suave up there with any CU legend and you’re sorely missed. Keep hanging in there...
Another HGL sighting
Yes, I saw HGL attempt to post on this thread and the 10% ebay bucks thread earlier. Neither post showed up. I don't know what's going on around here.
FYI I bought a ‘63 Rose once owned by John Coctosten and Frank Poon
AFL fan solved the settings issue. I believe it is fixed...lmk.
Welcome to the forum and THIS
Welcome back.
Welcome to the forum
Any other particulars as to what caused it for you?
A setting issue, it appears, but nothing nefarious.
The Doomsday Collection
Dallas Cowboys Ring of Honor | All-Time Dallas Cowboys | Bob Lilly Master | Pro Football HOF Dallas Cowboys
HGL > Gary V
Promote this man!
In the early 1990s, I stumbled upon a garage sale of the parents of a MLB baseball player who lived in my area (Chris Jones). They were selling some of his old Sports Illustrated collection, which had his name and address. I bought a bunch thinking I could take these back to a baseball card show I would set up at, mark them up, market them as owned by Chris Jones, and make a profit.
It took me forever to sell those darn SI's. When I finally did, the guy who bought them could not care less about Chris Jones. That was my first lesson, in my teens, that most people don't care who owned them prior.