I remember that. If you decide to pass in that situation, you need to call a play where the QB can throw the ball away.
Horribly stupid play call and execution. No guarantee they would have made the FG.
No guarantee, but Matt Bryant was one of the most reliable kickers that year, and it was less than a 40 yard FG. I'd sure like my chances in that situation.
@JRR300 said:
Most people forget that, late in that game, Matt Ryan took a sack on third down late in the game to take them out of field goal range when that FG would all but lock up the game. Talk about not realizing the situation! And why was the coach calling a pass play anyway. Just couldn't believe that when it happened.
This is exactly why I stated that the Head Coach and OC should have immediately been fired after that game, that being said the fact that the Pats put them in that situation when they were up 28-3 into the 3RD Quarter just adds to the many things that had to be executed perfectly for the comeback
This is exactly why I stated that the Head Coach and OC should have immediately been fired after that game, that being said the fact that the Pats put them in that situation when they were up 28-3 into the 3RD Quarter just adds to the many things that had to be executed perfectly for the comeback
Yes, but you see that all the time. I know it's the SB, but a team gets a big lead, thinks they have the game won and relaxes a bit. Defenses allow teams to catch passes in front of them, coverages become a little looser and they lose that edge. Cudo's to the Pats in that gave for never giving up, but the Falcons started to feel the momentum changing and played like scared little girls for the last quarter. Matt Ryan, a veteran QB who has been in the league for years, makes a rookie mistake and the rest is history. Plenty of blame for all the Falcons, but taking a sack in that position was just inexcusable!
As a football fan, can you really see someone like Brees, Rivers, Rodgers, even Stafford....and I can name a few others, make such a bonehead play in that position?
This is exactly why I stated that the Head Coach and OC should have immediately been fired after that game, that being said the fact that the Pats put them in that situation when they were up 28-3 into the 3RD Quarter just adds to the many things that had to be executed perfectly for the comeback
Yes, but you see that all the time. I know it's the SB, but a team gets a big lead, thinks they have the game won and relaxes a bit. Defenses allow teams to catch passes in front of them, coverages become a little looser and they lose that edge. Cudo's to the Pats in that gave for never giving up, but the Falcons started to feel the momentum changing and played like scared little girls for the last quarter. Matt Ryan, a veteran QB who has been in the league for years, makes a rookie mistake and the rest is history. Plenty of blame for all the Falcons, but taking a sack in that position was just inexcusable!
As a football fan, can you really see someone like Brees, Rivers, Rodgers, even Stafford....and I can name a few others, make such a bonehead play in that position?
I completely understand where your coming from. I will say though that he had no time to get rid of it, he got rushed almost immediately and tried to run away but ended up getting whipped to the ground backwards and lost 12 yards, I don’t think any QB outside of a Lamar Jackson was avoiding that sack
28-3 What a game. I told my son during half time "Someday when you're older, you can tell your buddies that your father predicted the greatest comeback in NFL history. We're winning this game."
The added drama of needing both two point conversions only made it sweeter. I knew in my heart it was happening.
That overtime coin toss told the world exactly why this could happen. Matt Ryan should have been on the sideline going over plays, etc and not on the field.
After 28-3, for myself and for many Patriots fans, everything else is just gravy.
@thisistheshow said:
28-3 What a game. I told my son during half time "Someday when you're older, you can tell your buddies that your father predicted the greatest comeback in NFL history. We're winning this game."
The added drama of needing both two point conversions only made it sweeter. I knew in my heart it was happening.
That overtime coin toss told the world exactly why this could happen. Matt Ryan should have been on the sideline going over plays, etc and not on the field.
After 28-3, for myself and for many Patriots fans, everything else is just gravy.
I don't know what to call the greatest comeback. No doubt New England and Buffalo played well in those games, but both comebacks were impossible without the numerous putrid plays/decisions made by their opponents. Houston, without any doubt in my mind, deserves the biggest choke award, but I struggle to see why Buffalo should get an award for being on the field while the Oilers self-destructed and handed them the game. Atlanta didn't make as many bad mistakes as Houston had, but boy, the one's they made were horrendous.
This is for you @thisistheshow - Jim Rice was actually a pretty good player.
@dallasactuary said:
I don't know what to call the greatest comeback. No doubt New England and Buffalo played well in those games, but both comebacks were impossible without the numerous putrid plays/decisions made by their opponents. Houston, without any doubt in my mind, deserves the biggest choke award, but I struggle to see why Buffalo should get an award for being on the field while the Oilers self-destructed and handed them the game. Atlanta didn't make as many bad mistakes as Houston had, but boy, the one's they made were horrendous.
The 28-3 comeback is, of course, somewhat dependent on bad decisions by Atlanta, but even saying that, it was all about the Patriots will to win. It could have been a completely demoralizing situation. It lends itself, in my mind, to the Tom Brady as GOAT discussion. He has been through so much, seen so many situations, that he was able to compartmentalize each scenario and continuously achieve the incremental steps it took to make it happen. And the defense had to find the will to do what it did, and part of that was knowing that there was a guy on their offense who was going to make their actions worthwhile.
@thisistheshow said:
The 28-3 comeback is, of course, somewhat dependent on bad decisions by Atlanta,
But that's just a Patriot-friendly way of rephrasing "no way the Patriots win that game unless the Falcons let them". Yes, it required the Patriots to play near-perfect football, but not even perfect football would have won that game without a lot of help from Atlanta. The Falcons didn't play like they were trying to lose, the way the Oilers did, so I give the Patriots the nod over Buffalo, but to me "the greatest comeback" ought to involve triumphing over a team that was playing well enough to win, except for the miraculous play of the victors. And any team that plays well enough to win, will win if they have a 25+ point lead. No exceptions. In the greatest comeback, whatever it is, the winning team was never behind by more than a couple of touchdowns.
This is for you @thisistheshow - Jim Rice was actually a pretty good player.
Why doesn’t it surprise me that Dallas doesn’t find any glory in either the Bills or Pats come from behind victories. I’m not disrespecting but I really am glad I’m not wired like you, 99% of fans can get excited about these types of games and enjoy the thrill of it but you can’t help yourself but roll your eyes at it and can’t appreciate any part of it because other team just made bad play calls and made stupid decisions. Do you get enjoyment out of anything? I bet you could find something wrong with anything, the most beautiful woman in the world could approach you with one hair out of place and it would be a no go for you 😂
@perkdog said:
... 99% of fans can get excited about these types of games and enjoy the thrill of it but you can’t help yourself but roll your eyes at it and can’t appreciate any part of it because other team just made bad play calls and made stupid decisions.
The difference is the word "fans". Sure, if I was a Patriot or Bills fan I'd focus only on how well they played in those games and give them credit for things they don't deserve credit for, too. But as a fan of neither, I was watching the whole game and noticing the contributions, positive and negative, made by both teams.
Most of the "credit" for the Bills comeback goes to the Oilers who reached a point in the third quarter where they could have won the game by simply taking a knee and running the clock for the rest of the game. The Bills played well in what should have been a hopeless cause, but that game was lost by the Oilers much more than won by the Bills. If you were watching that game, how did you not see that?
Most of the credit for the Pats comeback goes to the Pats, and what they did was impressive. But they still should have lost that game, and would have lost that game except for really stupid decisions by the Falcons. What you're missing in your mind-reading is that I did enjoy that game. Watching the Falcons self-destruct was entertaining, as was watching the Patriots play their hearts out. I just didn't care who won because neither team meant anything to me, so I remember the Falcons contributions to that comeback differently than you do.
Was Georgia Tech's demolition of Cumberland College the greatest college football performance ever? Despite the 222 point margin of victory, I'd vote no. Doing well against strong competition has to count for something, and being the beneficiary of a lousy opponent reflects mostly on the opponent. For a comeback to be great, or certainly for it to be the greatest, I think it has to be accomplished against an opponent that is playing smart and playing well. Neither the Pats nor the Bills did that.
As for your analogy, what I see you doing is looking at a room full of ugly women and spotting one that is moderately attractive and declaring her the "most beautiful woman ever" - the margin between her and the others around her is enormous. I'm saying the most beautiful woman ever is probably hanging out with other very beautiful women, and when you finally spot her, the margin between her and the others around her is going to be fairly small. Where you're looking for the most beautiful woman ever you're only going to find one moderately attractive woman; if you'd look where I'm saying to look, you'll see lots of bombshells, and you'll also find the one you're looking for.
This is for you @thisistheshow - Jim Rice was actually a pretty good player.
@perkdog said:
... 99% of fans can get excited about these types of games and enjoy the thrill of it but you can’t help yourself but roll your eyes at it and can’t appreciate any part of it because other team just made bad play calls and made stupid decisions.
The difference is the word "fans". Sure, if I was a Patriot or Bills fan I'd focus only on how well they played in those games and give them credit for things they don't deserve credit for, too. But as a fan of neither, I was watching the whole game and noticing the contributions, positive and negative, made by both teams.
Most of the "credit" for the Bills comeback goes to the Oilers who reached a point in the third quarter where they could have won the game by simply taking a knee and running the clock for the rest of the game. The Bills played well in what should have been a hopeless cause, but that game was lost by the Oilers much more than won by the Bills. If you were watching that game, how did you not see that?
Most of the credit for the Pats comeback goes to the Pats, and what they did was impressive. But they still should have lost that game, and would have lost that game except for really stupid decisions by the Falcons. What you're missing in your mind-reading is that I did enjoy that game. Watching the Falcons self-destruct was entertaining, as was watching the Patriots play their hearts out. I just didn't care who won because neither team meant anything to me, so I remember the Falcons contributions to that comeback differently than you do.
Was Georgia Tech's demolition of Cumberland College the greatest college football performance ever? Despite the 222 point margin of victory, I'd vote no. Doing well against strong competition has to count for something, and being the beneficiary of a lousy opponent reflects mostly on the opponent. For a comeback to be great, or certainly for it to be the greatest, I think it has to be accomplished against an opponent that is playing smart and playing well. Neither the Pats nor the Bills did that.
As for your analogy, what I see you doing is looking at a room full of ugly women and spotting one that is moderately attractive and declaring her the "most beautiful woman ever" - the margin between her and the others around her is enormous. I'm saying the most beautiful woman ever is probably hanging out with other very beautiful women, and when you finally spot her, the margin between her and the others around her is going to be fairly small. Where you're looking for the most beautiful woman ever you're only going to find one moderately attractive woman; if you'd look where I'm saying to look, you'll see lots of bombshells, and you'll also find the one you're looking for.
I’m not Mind Reading I’m making an assumption on you, if I’m right or wrong it’s irrelevant for sure and neither one of us care either way what the other thinks. As far as both the games in question goes your right they both should have lost but they didn’t, and that’s what normal people can appreciate, I believe - right or wrong- that you set the bar so high on things that you rarely get your pulse moving fast over anything which is fine, live your life the way you chose and roll your eyes at most things normal people enjoy, it’s all good. Now in reference to your mind reading I’m all set on the woman front, I’ve had a wide variety of beautiful, middle of the road and ugly woman and found enjoyment with all many times, thanks for the laugh though.
@perkdog said:
I’m not Mind Reading I’m making an assumption on you,
You're making an assumption about what I'm thinking, or trying to read my mind. It's common, it's harmless, and it's virtually always wrong.
@perkdog said:
As far as both the games in question goes your right they both should have lost
And that's all I'm saying - they both should have lost. Calling what either of them did "the greatest" anything just strikes me as wrong, since despite everything that they did, it was the incompetence of their opponents that determined the outcome.
@perkdog said: but they didn’t, and that’s what normal people can appreciate,
And this is where your attempts to read my mind as opposed to listening what I'm saying is leading you astray. I did appreciate those games: they were entertaining, they got my pulse up, and I still remember watching what were, and remain, two of the biggest chokes in sports history. No doubt that as a fan of the Patriots you appreciated that game in a very different way, that's all.
@perkdog said: Now in reference to your mind reading I’m all set on the woman front, I’ve had a wide variety of beautiful, middle of the road and ugly woman and found enjoyment with all many times, thanks for the laugh though.
I wasn't mind reading, I was making an analogy, and a good one. I'm sorry you missed it.
This is for you @thisistheshow - Jim Rice was actually a pretty good player.
The pats comeback in the Super Bowl on the biggest stage was the most significant comeback of all time but I still voted for Buffalo because not only was that a bigger comeback, points wise, but it was with the backup QB. Can you even imgaine the Pats winning that Super Bowl without Brady in the game?
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
@grote15 said:
The pats comeback in the Super Bowl on the biggest stage was the most significant comeback of all time but I still voted for Buffalo because not only was that a bigger comeback, points wise, but it was with the backup QB. Can you even imgaine the Pats winning that Super Bowl without Brady in the game?
@grote15 said:
The pats comeback in the Super Bowl on the biggest stage was the most significant comeback of all time but I still voted for Buffalo because not only was that a bigger comeback, points wise, but it was with the backup QB. Can you even imgaine the Pats winning that Super Bowl without Brady in the game?
@grote15 said:
The pats comeback in the Super Bowl on the biggest stage was the most significant comeback of all time but I still voted for Buffalo because not only was that a bigger comeback, points wise, but it was with the backup QB. Can you even imgaine the Pats winning that Super Bowl without Brady in the game?
Good points Tim 👍
Not sure what’s funny 🤷♂️
I just double checked to make sure it wasn't me who hit LOL. In the past I did it accidentally and thankfully caught it. I bet others do it as well.
On mobile you can't see who hit what, unfortunately.
@grote15 said:
The pats comeback in the Super Bowl on the biggest stage was the most significant comeback of all time but I still voted for Buffalo because not only was that a bigger comeback, points wise, but it was with the backup QB. Can you even imgaine the Pats winning that Super Bowl without Brady in the game?
Good points Tim 👍
Not sure what’s funny 🤷♂️
He's easily amused..
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
No guarantee, but Matt Bryant was one of the most reliable kickers that year, and it was less than a 40 yard FG. I'd sure like my chances in that situation.
This is exactly why I stated that the Head Coach and OC should have immediately been fired after that game, that being said the fact that the Pats put them in that situation when they were up 28-3 into the 3RD Quarter just adds to the many things that had to be executed perfectly for the comeback
Yes, but you see that all the time. I know it's the SB, but a team gets a big lead, thinks they have the game won and relaxes a bit. Defenses allow teams to catch passes in front of them, coverages become a little looser and they lose that edge. Cudo's to the Pats in that gave for never giving up, but the Falcons started to feel the momentum changing and played like scared little girls for the last quarter. Matt Ryan, a veteran QB who has been in the league for years, makes a rookie mistake and the rest is history. Plenty of blame for all the Falcons, but taking a sack in that position was just inexcusable!
As a football fan, can you really see someone like Brees, Rivers, Rodgers, even Stafford....and I can name a few others, make such a bonehead play in that position?
I completely understand where your coming from. I will say though that he had no time to get rid of it, he got rushed almost immediately and tried to run away but ended up getting whipped to the ground backwards and lost 12 yards, I don’t think any QB outside of a Lamar Jackson was avoiding that sack
What a game. I told my son during half time "Someday when you're older, you can tell your buddies that your father predicted the greatest comeback in NFL history. We're winning this game."
The added drama of needing both two point conversions only made it sweeter. I knew in my heart it was happening.
That overtime coin toss told the world exactly why this could happen. Matt Ryan should have been on the sideline going over plays, etc and not on the field.
After 28-3, for myself and for many Patriots fans, everything else is just gravy.
Love it 👍👍
Matt Ryan and the Falcons organization have never recovered.
I don't know what to call the greatest comeback. No doubt New England and Buffalo played well in those games, but both comebacks were impossible without the numerous putrid plays/decisions made by their opponents. Houston, without any doubt in my mind, deserves the biggest choke award, but I struggle to see why Buffalo should get an award for being on the field while the Oilers self-destructed and handed them the game. Atlanta didn't make as many bad mistakes as Houston had, but boy, the one's they made were horrendous.
The 28-3 comeback is, of course, somewhat dependent on bad decisions by Atlanta, but even saying that, it was all about the Patriots will to win. It could have been a completely demoralizing situation. It lends itself, in my mind, to the Tom Brady as GOAT discussion. He has been through so much, seen so many situations, that he was able to compartmentalize each scenario and continuously achieve the incremental steps it took to make it happen. And the defense had to find the will to do what it did, and part of that was knowing that there was a guy on their offense who was going to make their actions worthwhile.
Let's relive it, shall we?
But that's just a Patriot-friendly way of rephrasing "no way the Patriots win that game unless the Falcons let them". Yes, it required the Patriots to play near-perfect football, but not even perfect football would have won that game without a lot of help from Atlanta. The Falcons didn't play like they were trying to lose, the way the Oilers did, so I give the Patriots the nod over Buffalo, but to me "the greatest comeback" ought to involve triumphing over a team that was playing well enough to win, except for the miraculous play of the victors. And any team that plays well enough to win, will win if they have a 25+ point lead. No exceptions. In the greatest comeback, whatever it is, the winning team was never behind by more than a couple of touchdowns.
Why doesn’t it surprise me that Dallas doesn’t find any glory in either the Bills or Pats come from behind victories. I’m not disrespecting but I really am glad I’m not wired like you, 99% of fans can get excited about these types of games and enjoy the thrill of it but you can’t help yourself but roll your eyes at it and can’t appreciate any part of it because other team just made bad play calls and made stupid decisions. Do you get enjoyment out of anything? I bet you could find something wrong with anything, the most beautiful woman in the world could approach you with one hair out of place and it would be a no go for you 😂
Really good teams should not be down a touchdown or two late in the game anyways.
The difference is the word "fans". Sure, if I was a Patriot or Bills fan I'd focus only on how well they played in those games and give them credit for things they don't deserve credit for, too. But as a fan of neither, I was watching the whole game and noticing the contributions, positive and negative, made by both teams.
Most of the "credit" for the Bills comeback goes to the Oilers who reached a point in the third quarter where they could have won the game by simply taking a knee and running the clock for the rest of the game. The Bills played well in what should have been a hopeless cause, but that game was lost by the Oilers much more than won by the Bills. If you were watching that game, how did you not see that?
Most of the credit for the Pats comeback goes to the Pats, and what they did was impressive. But they still should have lost that game, and would have lost that game except for really stupid decisions by the Falcons. What you're missing in your mind-reading is that I did enjoy that game. Watching the Falcons self-destruct was entertaining, as was watching the Patriots play their hearts out. I just didn't care who won because neither team meant anything to me, so I remember the Falcons contributions to that comeback differently than you do.
Was Georgia Tech's demolition of Cumberland College the greatest college football performance ever? Despite the 222 point margin of victory, I'd vote no. Doing well against strong competition has to count for something, and being the beneficiary of a lousy opponent reflects mostly on the opponent. For a comeback to be great, or certainly for it to be the greatest, I think it has to be accomplished against an opponent that is playing smart and playing well. Neither the Pats nor the Bills did that.
As for your analogy, what I see you doing is looking at a room full of ugly women and spotting one that is moderately attractive and declaring her the "most beautiful woman ever" - the margin between her and the others around her is enormous. I'm saying the most beautiful woman ever is probably hanging out with other very beautiful women, and when you finally spot her, the margin between her and the others around her is going to be fairly small. Where you're looking for the most beautiful woman ever you're only going to find one moderately attractive woman; if you'd look where I'm saying to look, you'll see lots of bombshells, and you'll also find the one you're looking for.
I’m not Mind Reading I’m making an assumption on you, if I’m right or wrong it’s irrelevant for sure and neither one of us care either way what the other thinks. As far as both the games in question goes your right they both should have lost but they didn’t, and that’s what normal people can appreciate, I believe - right or wrong- that you set the bar so high on things that you rarely get your pulse moving fast over anything which is fine, live your life the way you chose and roll your eyes at most things normal people enjoy, it’s all good. Now in reference to your mind reading I’m all set on the woman front, I’ve had a wide variety of beautiful, middle of the road and ugly woman and found enjoyment with all many times, thanks for the laugh though.
You're making an assumption about what I'm thinking, or trying to read my mind. It's common, it's harmless, and it's virtually always wrong.
And that's all I'm saying - they both should have lost. Calling what either of them did "the greatest" anything just strikes me as wrong, since despite everything that they did, it was the incompetence of their opponents that determined the outcome.
And this is where your attempts to read my mind as opposed to listening what I'm saying is leading you astray. I did appreciate those games: they were entertaining, they got my pulse up, and I still remember watching what were, and remain, two of the biggest chokes in sports history. No doubt that as a fan of the Patriots you appreciated that game in a very different way, that's all.
I wasn't mind reading, I was making an analogy, and a good one. I'm sorry you missed it.
A good pizza is pulse worthy.
Yes Food is another great pleasure. Although as I get older it’s very tough to indulge without regret.
That, sir, is an Imo's pizza. You will never regret eating one of those.
with all due respect, this is the greatest drive ever
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Noted 👍
The pats comeback in the Super Bowl on the biggest stage was the most significant comeback of all time but I still voted for Buffalo because not only was that a bigger comeback, points wise, but it was with the backup QB. Can you even imgaine the Pats winning that Super Bowl without Brady in the game?
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Good points Tim 👍
Not sure what’s funny 🤷♂️
I just double checked to make sure it wasn't me who hit LOL. In the past I did it accidentally and thankfully caught it. I bet others do it as well.
On mobile you can't see who hit what, unfortunately.
He's easily amused..
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.