So who is the owner of the new, pretty much across the board, # 1 Mercury Dime sets on the registry

There is a new sheriff in town in the Mercury Dime collecting world, and his name is MERC MADNESS! Who ever owns the set has even toppled the famed Forsythe #1 all time collections!!! Looks like Legend is behind it. Sure wish they would make the collection viewable, but it would probably make me want to melt mine!
Well, here's what Laura says in her Market Report:
Very interesting and more than a bit cryptic! This is the Big Leagues for real.
Kind regards,
Wayne you have a Great Set going yourself. No reason at all to think about melting it.
Yes, before you ship them off to the smelter send them to me....I'll give you 10X melt!
Not toppled, just a change in ownership and set name; with a couple of upgrades added in.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
If the Merc Madness Set, rated at 70.47, was the old Forsythe Set, rated at 69.91, a couple of coins added to the Forsythe Set would not get it to the rated 70.47. I believe the Merc Madness Set is a set that the owner had and then purchased the Forsythe set to upgrade a couple of his coins. According to the Legend article the Merc Madness owner will put up a 2nd set that should come in at the number 2 spot when it is entered.
We will see I guess.
I need to get my stuff together & get my sets submitted & attributed, or what ever they call it ,soon I guess!? My travel schedule doesn't look good for it though until mid to late December.