Swiss souvenir
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We were in Switzerland a couple weeks ago, and happened to stay around the corner from a stamp and coin shop in St. Gallen. So I picked out this encased 1 rappen, commemorating the 30% devaluation of the Swiss franc in 1936.
Dein Talisman bin ich fürwahr - Ich bring dir glück durchs ganze Jahr
Wer den Rappen nicht ehrt, ist des Frankens nicht wert
Zum Andenken an die Abwertung des Schweizerfrankens
1848 - 26-IX-1936
Dem Goldfranken zum Abschied
Der Franken is tot, es lebe der Franken
We were in Lucerne the day before, so it's nice that the maker, A. Fischer, Luz[ern] was also from there.
It looks like encased cents are not just American items.
The Swiss coin holder has a pretty humorous text.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
One little bit of irony with the devaluation of the franc is that in the 83 years since then that the Swiss franc is the only currency that has appreciated vs. the US dollar. Before the devaluation the franc traded at approximately 20 cents, now it hovers in the $1 range.